After all this time

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Warning : mature content + cute scene!


Zoya is tired , really tired as she makes her way into her bedroom. She opens her wardrobe and snatches a button up kurti and salwar ( pajamas) before going into the bathroom.

After scrubbing her face off all the makeup, she brushes up her hair detangling the small knots at the roots.

She then swiftly puts her clothes on.

She stops for a second as she puts on the kurti hissing as the material comes in contact with her skin. She steps outside dabbing her still wet face with the towel and heaves a loud breathe as she feels somewhat freshen up.

"You tired hun ?" Adi chuckles as he has been watching his wife the moment she entered the room. Zoya chuckles a little as she puts the dirty clothes from the day in the laundry bag while saying" Exhausted more like it."

"why don't you come up here babe." Comes a deep voice of her husband and she couldn't help but smile at the two brown eyes that makes her day tad little better.

She climbs on the bed , on her fours and making her way to the head rest smiling. As she shifts to seat down ,she is grabbed by two strong arms and pulled forward .

Her soft gasp of surprise is cut off by lips on hers, she begins moving her lips once she recovers from the startled state.

She then slowly grabs Adi's shirt as she makes her way on top of him, lost in his kiss. Aditya smiles into the kiss and places his hands on Zoya's bum ,squeezing it softly . Zoya couldn't help but leave a throaty moan at that .

Suddenly , she is turned swiftly and now onto her back with Aditya hovering over her, his warm breathe hitting her flushed skin.

Adi's hand makes their way inside Zoya's kurti softly grazing her tummy as they continue to makeout.

Zoya pulls Aditya closer wrapping her around his neck as Aditya's hands wander their way up her chest.

Zoya pulls back at the sudden contact of his hands on her skin and shivers in pain. "Adi, no sensitive."she says trying to catch her breathe.

Aditya nods in understanding as he moves his head to kiss her collarbone , already attacking Zoya's sweet spots that he knows at the back of his hand.

Zoya's arms are pulled away as Adi tugs at the buttons on her chest that are till her navel and removes them one by one leaving her bare only in her bra.

The cold air in the air condition room tickles her sensitive breast making her moan involuntarily. And Aditya would be lying if he didn't find that sexy.

Aditya places his hand softly on Zoya's right breast, his fingers tapping on her clothed nipple.

Zoya grabs her husband's hand shaking her head no to which Aditya only kisses her softly saying "Shhh....I will take care of it."

He then ducks his head down before Zoya could protest and slips the strap of the bra down her right arm, closing his mouth on her sensitive bud making her gasp at the contact and tug at his hair.

Aditya groans making vibration ran through Zoya and she couldn't help the gasp leaves her plum lips . Aditya gently sucks on her nipple , making few remaining milk drops drip.

He quickly laps them up and starts sucking harder wanting more.

Nothing turns Aditya on then sucking her nipples making milk flow through and then drinking it. He knows people will find it weird but he doesn't give two shit what people think.

Zoya is a moaning mess under him not able to control the pain as well as the pleasure driving through her.

A cry halts them in their position and Aditya pops his mouth from Zoya's breast as Zoya says "I will go."

Aditya smiles down at her and signals her to stop before getting up and leaving the room.

After five minutes , what felt like hours for Zoya , Adi enters the room.But he is not alone, a little pink bundle is tucked between his large arms and chest . The sight makes Zoya turned on , she loves seeing Aidtya with babies and loves more seeing with her baby , their baby .

Aditya answers softly at Zoya's raised eyebrow smiling at his little bundle of joy .

"Checked everything . Little Zia is just hungry."

She sits up head resting on the head rest behind pulling down her bra strap completely as Aditya climbs on bed carefully.

He then places Zia as gently as possible into Zoya's arm.

Zoya takes her and then places her on her chest turning Zia's head towards her.

Zia soon attaches herself to Zoya and wobbles her mouth around filling her little tummy.

A soft sigh leaves Zoya's as she runs her thumb on her cheek. She looks at her baby and is hit with intense brown eyes looking right at her, the same eyes she shares with her father . She rubs her cheek ones more , running a hand through her black hair. She couldn't help but think how she is the perfect combination of both her and Adi.

She has Aditya's brown eyes and apetite , with her own black hair and smile.

She chuckles and lifts her head up to find two pairs of teary brown eyes staring at him, and Zoya couldn't help but cup her husband's cheek in her right hand , their baby still in left.

"Hey, what are you thinking about.?" Aditya couldn't help but smile at his love , his heart raising as he moves himself forward.

He replies his face inches closer to Zoya "Nothing. Just how beautiful you look , and How beautiful you are."

Zoya's heart hammers in her chest at Aditya's words and she couldn't help but wonder , how Aditya, her husband still makes her feel after all this years.

Zoya whispers "I love you Adi .I am in love with you." And those words held soo much emotions , memories , assurances and love.

Aditya kisses Zoya with everything he has got , with everything he is .

" I am in love with you too my urdu queen."

She chuckles at his words as he takes her hand in his , interwine their fingers before looking up at Zoya's shiny eyes he continues "And.. " pausing, he bends down placing a soft feather like kiss on his daughter's forehead .

He comes up smiling at the two most important people in his life and says

"Its everything after all this time."



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Ri x

Adiya one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें