Kiss full of love

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Warning : A cute Jenshad scene


Tonight has been one hell of a night for Jennifer. Continuous shooting for two straight days in Australia for the latest plot because of the limited days slot , it has been quite exhausting. She was tired even though she slept the whole time she could spend out of work in the hotel.

Okay, she didn't sleep last night at all because of the shooting. She doesn't know but acting and doing her scenes for her audience is what she has loved so much and was never tiring.

It was anything but tiring , it boosted her with sudden energy . The adrenaline that rush into your body like some drug , as Harshad puts it.

That pumped up feeling you get , she wants it more.

Nevertheless, the locations, shooting for hours can get exhausting sometimes. They will be staying here for a week and then coming back to India.

Jennifer sighs as she seats in the last seat of the minivan. The sigh , that leaves her mouth , is not because she is exhausted with all the running she did  and also not because of sleep .

No, tonight the sigh was because of Harshad.

Harshad , is someone she meet not mere months ago, someone she always heard about in the industry as the most talented actors and also had more than one common friends with. She never realized how close they got in such a small span of time, but she loved the bond they shared and she is still bewildered as to how he became  the person she loves more than anyone else in the world.

The person she will love probably forever. And the person who will never love her back. She closes her eyes as the scene from yesterday feels behind her eyes.

{ Flashback }

"Sehban stop it, I don't want to talk about it anymore." A distress Jenny stresses as she is pacing in Sehban's hotel room back and forth as her friend watches her from the bed.

"No , I don't think so . We are talking about this Jenny, whether you like it or not."Sehban replies his tone serious yet calm. He just wants his friend,to open up to him.

"Aniruddh ,please help me here. Sehban it is really not that important."A tired looking Aniruddh enters the room from the bathroom.He sighs pulling clothes out of his open bag as he says "This time I am with Sehban."He turns around to Jenny "Why didn't you tell us?Jen, we knew okay ,you are that obvious but we wanted it to come from you.But looking at you now , I know you will never confess."

Jennifer was so annoyed at her stupid , nosy and over protective friends. She already feels pathetic and  is tired of feeling that "Look Guys ! Okay I know I should have told you , But I don't ...he will never feel the same."

Sehban moves in front of her ,placing a hand on her shoulder "How do you know?Have you talk to Harshad ?Jen ,you have to tell him how you feel."

Jenny screams , stressed and panicked at the prospect of telling Harshad. "No! I can't tell him that I love him. That will ruin everything, that will..You guys don't understand, he will never feel the same , I am just a friend ..that's it just a friend who is a divorcee"

She looks back up at her friends trying to make them understands her reasons but she sees they are not looking at her at all.They both are looking shocked , and when the next words leave Sehban's mouth , she feels her heart stop"Ha..Harshad."

She turns around swiftly ,to see her gorgeous costar, wide eyed standing with his mouth open and Jennifer knows he has heard everything that has left from her mouth.

She stands still as Harshad stutters "Me?" then looks at Jennifer "You..?Me?lo..lo.."And there she sees the love of her life dashing outside the door and her heart freezes.

Adiya one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora