Jealous Jenny

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Regret is all she feels as she watches them

Regret not for coming here with him

Not for introducing him to her friend Ahana.

No, she regrets the very moment she choosed, decided, all by herself to be unexclusive.

And to be fair her reasons were pretty appropriate.

After a failed marriage, it had taken a good amount of work and years to not only build herself up but to be the best version of herself, to gather love and appreciate it, to have fun again-to be in a happy place.

And she had good, infact great years staying single. No complications, no expectations and no co-existsing.

But then Bepannah happened and her life took a huge U turn.

She meet him

And no it wasn't the love at first sight.
She didn't find him hot or sexy or anything like that.

The first day, the only thing that she found was he was tall, really tall and had huge eyebrows and that he cared, alot.

That made her talk to him more, made her find something new about him everyday

And for a second if you thought Aditya Hooda had many layers you won't believe how many he has.

As the months passed by they began to spend time more. She found him handsome in a way, cute and a little childlike and more gorgeous when he is serious.

It was slow and gradual, that she didn't even notice when he started to matter. Didn't even notice when he coming thirty minutes would drive her with worry. Didn't even notice when he would fall short how she would be his rock.

Didn't even notice how that smile of his would light up her entire world, would make her a bit more cheery than she usually is. Didn't realize when right after cutting a cake it became important for her to let him know it was eggless or not.

But he knew, he noticed and being the gentleman he is he didn't made a big deal, didn't made it an event. He made it a moment, just for them.

He made his feelings know in clear language, plain and simple just the way he was. No candles, no hearts, no roses, nothing.

A plain simple dinner, one they used to have after a late pack up. He told her about his attraction, about his heart beating wild when she would be there, thanking her for supporting him the way she does and asked her to be his.

And Jennifer never had experienced something this romantic and true to heart.

She loved his simplicity, was surprised with his honesty and proud of his generosity. All three characteristics he would argue to be hers.

And that made her halt, the sirens blared in her ears as she realized there are chances of loosing foot, falling to deep and she wanted to be cautious this time, wanted to be safe and wanted to hold her own this time.

That's why she told him, being plain and simple. Laid down her reasons out in the open worried he won't understand. But he did. He understood and told her he knew the chances of them are thin.

But if she wants them to be unexclusive he will accept it.

And right now she wanted to slap his caring nature silly.

As she watched him laughing with Ahana, dancing with her, having a great time she wanted to slap him, but mostly her.

It was about half an hour now and she had left trying to even listening or atleast look like she is interested in whatever Hazen was going on about. Sipping her cocktail more and more, her eyes were on them as she watched Ahana throwing her arms around his neck while she swayed to the beat.

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