not going away, my love

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Prompt by
DebasmitaRoyPrincess (sorry love but the picture of your request is not getting uploaded :( )

Before you start a very important ammouncement. Actually - two!

#1. Some of you've requested me to write a full fledge Adiya story like Perfect Addiction and my recent Between the sheets. IThe reasons (because there are many I swear) I have not written one yet is because I didn't have time first with all the shifting, exams and all that crap. I was trying to keep up with so many prompts for one shots and the jenshad story. Also, I was not able to think of an exciting plot to write.

BUT now thanks to for giving me a couple of genres to think about I have one. AND I THINK ALL OF You ARE GOING TO LOVE IT.

#2. Actually, this one is a question for you. Since I will be uploading my two other books. The prompts will have slow updates. So do you still want me to write an Adiya or not?!??

Because if I start with the book. Then I will have 2+1 books and One shots. It's not like I will competely let go of this book. But the updates won't be this frequent.

That's about it!

The next one will definitely be Adiya

Enjoy this one!


Harshad's eyes falls on her as he laughs with Rajesh Sir. Rajesh Sir is clapping his back as him and Aniruddh Sir, their director and friend jokes about. It is the last day on the set for all of them as the serial is closing. Although, no one had thought the serial will come to such an abrupt end and genuinely everyone was sad about it yet all had smiles on their faces, laughing and joking, singing songs and dancing as they celebrated their short journey and togetherness.

He had his share of tears as he wrapped up his final scene mere hours ago. As he had just said in the live stream minutes ago, he was not feeling sad but there was a void a shape of a football in his heart. He had loved Aditya Hooda and now it feels like the Hooda man is dead.

He knows someone who is feeling just the same void as him, just the same attachment as him and not so surprisingly had her share of breakdowns throughout the day, especially during the last scene.

She had given up not able to control her feelings and had teared up keeping her head on his shoulder. They had a moment as he had hold her fragile body in his arms, maybe for the last time so intimately, had caressed her hair softly as he whispered for her to calm down.

From then on she had been leaning on him for support.

They had hugged quite a few times since the morning and he had cherished each one of them.

Right now also his laughed dimmed as he watched her excuse herself from all the girls. She was dancing, jumping up and down to the music not minutes ago. But now he watched closely as she gave that small smile of her, the one she fakes.

He has come to know her very well.

He goes out of the room behind her trying to search her, only to be meet by crew members who want him to stay as they got something planned. He smiles big, hugging them as he excuses himself not before asking about Jennifer and leaves quickly.

He finds her sitting at the exact same place they had sat as Aditya and Zoya on the terrace. Her back to him as she was looking ahead lost in her thoughts. He jogged to her and silently sat beside her, studying her face.

Several minutes passed between them as both of them looked ahead into the sky away from all the noise and everyone else, looking at the city outside before Jennifer starts "I have liked most of my shows, you know. Some I regretted doing but others are special to me. You know how we get attached to our character?"

Adiya one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now