Bepannah pyaar hai tumse

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So guys I made a Adiya/Jenshad Instagram account! It's called - keepingupwidjenshad

Looks like this 👇

So guys I made a Adiya/Jenshad Instagram account! It's called - keepingupwidjenshad  Looks like this 👇

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Also, I am not that good in editing! So anyone who has those skills and time! can co-own the account with me as I already have other account.

Anyways, back to the story!

Part 2


The only feeling she can describe right now from the mild havoc that is her mind right now. She can feel Arshad's gaze on her the moment they left her house. She knows it because he has already asked her twice since they meet if she was alright.

And although she said she is fine and nothing to worry about, she doesn't know she even believes her own words anymore. And she definitely knows even if she does tell him what all is cruising through her mind right now, he won't understand. Moreover she won't even be able to describe him.

She has observed that when it comes to Aditya Hooda, she can't get one word to describe her feelings and concerns.

Yes, concern. She is clueless, confused and above all that she is concerned. Concerned about the Hooda man who always leaves abruptly. She can never tell what he is upto, what he is thinking. But she knows him very well

And definitely knows that he is not at all happy with her decision.

She looks down at her phone sighing as she sees no calls from him. There are days when he wouldn't even leave her alone or let her do her work properly. And now, here she is four days later with no calls, missed calls,  callbacks let alone not seeing him.

She wants to pull her hair everytime Aditya has ignored or cut her call. This man was as stubborn as her a x right now he was playing at his strength.

She is pulled out of her thoughts by Arshad "Zoya, I saw this beautiful and peaceful restaurant nearby. It is quite and we can get to know each other very well."

She nods smiling politely when her mind screams the only one she wants to get to know right now is Aditya and why the hell he is so upset with her.

Arshad began speaking again and she is only giving inputs here and there as her mind is filled with thoughts of Aditya.

A part of her is ligit mad and the other is fucking anxious.

She shushes her mind trying to concentrate on whatever surgery Arshad is talking about.

Her chain of thoughts is broken when they get stuck in traffic. They sit their for few minutes before Arshad suggests to ask each other questions. She likes the idea of that, shaking her head off Aditya's thoughts she pulls herself together.

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