Married to my master Pt 2

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So I am continuing the Married to my master..... Here is Part 2.

I repeat all of this is fictional and I support no sort of slavery. This is a fictional arena please don't take it to your heart and bash.




It's been three days, exact three days since that night. The one night Zoya would never forget. The soft drunk whispers of her master, the hot touches and those soft lips crashing on her. Everything about her master and that night has her in spell. It's not like it was the first night her master had been intimate with her but was the first time she felt her master was there with her. Truly, there with her in those hazy moments. But she worries she maybe wrong in her assumptions.

She remembers the next morning how anxious and bashful she felt. The way her mind was racing a mile per minute thinking of how Adtiya Hooda, her master will react to their last night shenanigans. By the time the clock had striked 10 in the morning, she had come up with hundred different ways her master would react. But the shock to her system came later in the day as ignoring the whole night as it didn't happened was never in any of her options.

Broken and completely disheartened Zoya had managed to bring up the topic with her Master for three days, but it was like speaking to a wall,she couldn't get a word through before he would shout on her, scold her for disturbing him and when one night Aditya had slammed the door of his office right on her face asking her, no no yelling at her to 'get the fuck out of my face', she has sworn to stay clear of him.

But the want to always be with him, care for him and her hunger for some food had always kept her coming back to him.

She sighs pulling out a strand of her hair from above before blowing it up. She had decided to not remove the topic again, only if her master does as she doesn't want her master angry.

Although, she likes the way he looks hot when his eyes are teared, nose flaring and pure anger blazing towards her.

Her master is hot after all.

She picks up her phone and calls her master, wanting to talk to him since he had gone to work since morning. She knows she is going to get an explicit lecture on how she disturbed him. But Zoya didn't mind, all she wanted was to hear her master's voice.

"What do you want Zoya?"is the first thing she hears and sighs in relief, He is in a good mood, well mostly his usual self.

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