"Hey." She says, walking towards us. Her face pretty much says that she wasn't that willing to come here to us but probably got directed to come here.

I glance at my other cousin who has the same reaction as me. She looks at me, also wondering what to do or say.

"Hi." I answer back, deciding it would be a good thing since she's still family. Even if she left.

My cousin mumbles a quick "hello" but I'm not sure if our lost cousin heard her.

Our lost cousin stands there, it's rather awkward. She probably doesn't know what to say and neither do we. It's not easy to start talking to someone who you've been ignored by for the last couple of years.

"So you're coming to live here again?" I ask our her so at least something got said in this conversation. She doesn't give me a proper reply. She just nods, which is okay. I guess.

"Do you still know us?" My cousin asked to our lost cousin. This exact question has been wandering through my mind for the whole evening and I'm eager to hear her response. This question wasn't a yes or no question so she can't nod. She will have to talk.

Our lost cousin rolls her eyes, probably annoyed by us already. There it is. The new version of herself. The one who ignores messages, letters and calls.

"I do." Is her answer, but I'm glad she answered it. I'm glad she still knows us.

She could've easily been lying just to get us to be ok with her, but I decide to just hope that she wasn't.

"Y/n, what did you want to tell me about you and.." My cousin starts but I cut her off. This wasn't the moment to tell her all the details of Aidan and me.

The girl in front of us, who is our long lost cousin, doesn't have to know a single thing about all of this.

Then again, before I saw her face I was planning to tell everything to everyone here. I couldn't let our lost cousin ruin the moment either, but they still have to know the reason why I am leaving for Toronto for god knows how long.

"I'll tell it to everyone at the same time." I say to my cousin who's looking rather confused.

I can't blame her, she still thinks that I was going to tell her all the details of Aidan and me and I just told her that I wanted the whole family to know.

After a while, we're all eating dinner. Most of us have already finished and are know talking with some other family members. I figured that now would be a good time to tell them everything.

"I have to tell you all something important." I say, making everyone go silent. All the faces are upon me, waiting for me to continue.

"So, some of you all might already know that Aidan Gallagher is my boyfriend." I started. This already sounded like Aidan proposed to me, what the hell.

My long lost cousin scoffed, causing me and other family members to look at her. "I don't think so."

How much I wanted to say something back, I just decided to go with a "Have you seen pictures of the Netflix party around a week ago?" After I see my mom sending me a threatening look.

One that tells me not to start a family fight.

And she's right, it's not the time for that. I have to leave soon and I don't want to leave my family after we just fought.

"I have not." She rolls her eyes, not really thinking it is a big deal if she has or not.

"I was there." I say "In this dress."

Her eyes look down at me, watching my dress carefully. She doesn't reply so I continue.

"With Aidan."

This makes her eyes go wide but I don't believe it was because she is shocked. No, it was because she could not help but laugh.

This was a laugh that I wasn't used to. Years ago, she laughed with joy in her voice but now it is everything except that. There was no joy to hear.

I felt my cousin grab my hand and squeeze it. She's probably doing the exact same as my mom was doing a few seconds ago, making sure that there doesn't come a family fight. I know how much she also dislikes the girl on the other side of the table, but we both don't want any fights happening.

So I keep myself calm.

Just as I was about to answer, my cousin takes over for me. "Here, I even have some pictures of them there saved to show off to people." She grabs her phone out of her pocket and I'm grateful. Grateful because I don't know what I would have said if she had not stopped me.

She puts her phone in front of our other cousin to show the pictures but we don't get more than a frown as a response. "It can easily be edited."

I don't need to prove anything to her, I tell myself.

"It is very much true." My mom steps in, which I had not expected "The boy is very kind and makes y/n happy. But I don't think that was the big thing you were telling us, was it?".

No it wasn't but now I don't know if I want anyone to know. I mostly want to leave now already. Away from all those faces who are now unuse whether to believe me or not.

"It wasn't indeed." I send my mom a smile, thanking her for her stepping in. "Aidan is an actor. He plays in several things but right now he is in a series called the umbrella academy. I'm just back from being in Los Angeles with him. Like I said, we went to the party together."

"So if all of this is true.." Our lost cousin starts again, making me almost forget about me not wanting any family fights once again "Then you saw a lot of celebrities."

I roll my eyes, annoyed with the fact that she's asking that. It was a party from Netflix. Of course I saw many celebrities. "Yes, I did."

"Did you see Millie?" She asks, not letting me continue.

"I saw Millie." I answer her question calmly, not showing the hatred I feel for her right now "She's very sweet. We talked a bit there until Noah arrived."

She doesn't go any further, which I'm happy for.

"I also saw the director of The umbrella academy there." I say "and to tell you all the big news. . I auditioned after the director asked me to.".

My cousin's jaw drops and her eyes went wide immediately after I said that. Other family members also gave a shocked impression and my mom looked very proud.

"But she didn't get the role." Our lost cousin rolls her eyes making some dramatic gestures with her arms.

This made sure that everyone's eyes were back upon me, expecting an answer.

"Actually. ." I started "I did and I'm going to Toronto at the end of this month to start shooting."

Aidan & You // Aidan GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now