The maids weren't insight,probably in their various rooms.

“Have you eat?". •*I asked after exchanging kisses and greetings with her*•.

“No. Waiting for you". •*she muttered barely audibly,while i glanced at the we'll organized dining table*•.

“What about Desmond?"

“He ate together with the maids" •*She stretched her hands*•.

“Can you take him to his room,please". •*She muttered pleadingly and i unhesitatingly carried Desmond to his room upstair*•.

After that,i head straight to the dining table to have my dinner,and she joined me after some seconds. Through out the eating,she kept bragging on how many views,likes,comments and retweets our recent video had made on social medias just within few hours of been post by her. While i kept minding my words as we eat,in order not to get into argument with her.

After the dinner,she head back to leaving room and pick my briefcase,car key and iPad. And we head upstairs with her operating my iPad with all concentration. I don't have a girlfriend,neither will i boast of having a side chick that DM me on it. So i willingly ignored her to do whatever she wants with it.

Getting to my room,she dropped the briefcase on the bed and sat close to it,still concentrating on my iPad as she scrolls on my gallery. I took the briefcase and walked into my dressing room to undress. And after that,i head straight to the bathroom to freshen up. And within minutes,i was back to the dressing room.

I wore a lite boxer and a white T-shirt just because of the cold weather and head to the bedroom to spot Clara smiling to herself,still focused on the iPad.

Aww! Chai! So lovely..... •*She mutters to herself as she watch a video which i guessed right to be my sister's engagement party video*•.

“You never told me your sister got engaged?” •*She asked immediately she noticed me*.

“I thought you will see it online". •*I muttered as i pick and unlock my phone that was on the little bedside cabinet*•.

“Aww!! So cute". •*She excitingly muttered to herself again while i head to the other side of the king size bed so that i won't interrupt her joy by crossing from where she sat*•.

“For how long have they been together?" •*She asked instantly and i gently muttered “Five to six months now,according to my sister" as i squat close to a little fridge beside the bedside cabinet and opened it to take a bottle of water*•.

Whooah! She's so lucky. Five to six months and they are already engaged. What a sweet guy. Unlike this Nigerian brought ups that will date you for five to six solid years and still bone as if nothing happened. •*She made that crazy last statement just as i fixed the bottle water to my mouth,and the water choked me as i laughed out loud,causing to cough and laugh like mad at the same time,while she stared at me as if am fucking disgusting*•.

“Wait.... Was that directed to me?" •*I asked as soon as i stopped coughing,and began to laugh again as i crashed on the bed,while she ignored me*•.

ME: Wait honey let me tell you something. •*I tried as much not to laugh,and she ignored me,still glancing on the iPad*•.

He proposed to her after six months of been together,not six month after meeting. Within this months they have study each other very well to know how compatible they can be. They've already know their likes and dislikes,attitudes and so on. Ours is complicated,so never compare it to theirs. •*I said politely,but serious,and she noticed it*•.

“Babe. I'm not comparing our relationship with theirs". •*She denied it,probably trying not to get into another fight with me*•.

Baby you did. You just did. You indirectly compared us. •*I seriously said and she kept shout*•.

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