Achille just stared at me, his eyes suddenly became darker so suddenly. Intriguing me since I just read that book that doesn't seem too far fetched now.

"How can you say a man is beautiful so easily with no hesitation?" He asked, his cheeks become full of life and probably the first time I've seen his complexion look similar to a human.

"What? You can't take the truth?"

"What truth?"

"That you're a beautiful man? It's pretty evident-."

Achille reached forward and sucker punched me in the face. Startling me as I flew back a bit and my back slammed to the ground. Sitting up as he had his hand over his mouth and shock.

"I didn't think it was that hard..."

"It's fine. It didn't hurt." I smile, trying to hide the fact that that was the hardest punch I've ever felt in my life.

My jaw ached and it was entertaining to me how much it hurt and he was barely trying to punch me. It was cute how much he underestimated his own strength.

"In my time, I was handsome. Hearing you say I'm beautiful is unusual to me. Tu es un homme magnifique... That in itself isn't right. It's a feminine case associated with a male case. It doesn't work." ( You are a beautiful man. )

Raising my eyebrow I already knew hearing him speak French was probably the most alluring thing I've ever heard.

"What did you say?"

"You are a beautiful man. I'm repeating what you are basically saying. Tu es un homme magnifique."

"You know French?"

Achille raised his eyebrow, nodding as he grinned slightly.

"My native land is France. Nice, France...haven't been there ever since all of my family passed. Which was...thirty-eight years ago." He said, biting his lip." I miss them so much... My petite soeur, then there's my frère précieux..." ( little sister, precious brother )

His eyes suddenly became watery, wondering what was going through his head. I wanted to hug him but I felt like I was surpassing my boundaries.

"I wish I could relate with you..." I murmur, Achille chewing his lip. I wondered when he chews his lip if it means he's nervous or anxious.

"I don't know. I miss them all..."

"Do you mind?"

"Mind what?"

I walk around the table and sit beside him. Wrapping my arms around him I give him a hug. Feeling how stiff he was in my arms at first, until he began to relax. I lay back comfortably in my chair as he lays with me.

It was nice to feel him relax and he just laid there.

"I haven't had an interaction like this in a long time. A normal hug...I forgot how warm it is."

"Yes, indeed." Chuckling I feel him begin to pull away and I let go at the same time so it seems mutual. But I didn't mind holding him...

Even though he's a vampire, when it comes to hugging it feels human. Wouldn't question him to be anything else of it was just based off that one hug.

"Thank you...I suppose. Do you mind if I was to ask for one - or is that weird in this generation?"

Smiling I ruffle his hair, causing him to look at me in shock at my action.

"When it comes to you, you don't have to ask. Just go for it, I won't get annoyed or bothered." I promise and Achille shakes his head.

"That won't be necessary. I've kept my emotions and feelings to myself for years-."

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