"So that new game, what do you think about it?" I asked him trying to get some new information from him cause he was so interesting to talk to. 

"You mean the Danganronpa one right?"

"Yeah, so what do you think of it?"

"It's alright"

"w-what?" I thought he thought it was cool maybe-

"That was a lie you know cause I'm a liar." He said laughing before saying, "I think it's super cool we should play it sometime." 

He wants to play it with me. I couldn't help but blush. He just makes my heart race a million miles a minute.

"Saihara-chan your blush is back."

Time Skip

Kokichi's POV

Since when does Shuichi blush so much especially around me. Maybe he likes me? No way he is just a weirdo and a weirdo who is too smart to ever love someone like me. I mean why would he! I'm a pathetic liar. A tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away getting up off my bed where I was resting. 

"I don't have time for this." He walked out of his room to go to the library to study.




Shuichi's POV

I was on my way to the library. I had to get a couple of books for a project that was going to be due in about a week. I have a partner, but they never really do anything so I decided to do the project on my own. 

I walked through the doors of the library. 

Alright, where can I find the books I need. 

I walked down the shelves of books trying to see where I needed to go to find the books with the information needed for this project. I looked up to see the label on the side of one shelf to see Kokichi sitting at a table reading a book with a whole stack of books next to him. Maybe I should walk over and say hi.

Kokichi POV

Reading is pretty interesting. I know I always complain when I am told to read, but I do like to take my mind off of things and put myself in a new scenario by reading.

"Hey, Kokichi." I heard Shuichi call out. I looked up to be met with a smile and a wave.

"What are you doing here Saihara-chan?" I said in my normal teasing tone. 

"Well I was going to get some books for the project due next week, but I saw you here and thought I would come and greet you." He said politely.

"Oh, that's nice. How boring, Saihara-chan never seems to change." I said with a smirk.

"Ah, Kokichi I was wondering why you were reading just now, I thought you hated reading?" He said tilting his head confused.

"Oh you know I wasn't reading. It seems that Saihara-chan can't even tell if I'm reading or not some detective you are!" I exclaimed.

"Kokichi..." He paused looking down at his feet.

"I'm tired of you lying to me all the time... How about we make a deal?" He asked and made my curiosity spike.

"Oh? And what kind of deal are we making Saihara-chan?" I asked keeping my curiosity hidden behind my teasing tone of voice.

"You stop lying to me and I'll answer any question you want honestly." He said pink covering his cheeks.

"And how do I know if you are telling the truth?" I asked. Almost immediately after my statement, he pulled out a bracelet and held it up.

"This is a lie detector." He paused and looked at me with confidence.

"This is how we will make sure we keep our side of the bargain." He held out his hand to set the deal in stone.

"Alright, I will make this deal with you Saihara-chan," I said shaking his hand.

What's the worst that can happen?




A/N First part of this story! I know I have been publishing a lot today, but I have been writing these for a while and finally wanted to publish them, So here you go the lies that cover the truth. I hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading!


The Lies That Cover The Truth [Oumasai/Saiouma]Where stories live. Discover now