Part 38

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

The break is over, Forth brought Beam home to his house. Everyone is shock with Forth's announcements when he said he has a boyfriend but with Beam's look? Everyone accept it within a minute.

Everyone loves Beam so much that they wants Beam to stay with them longer. Beam also cries when he has to leave for uni, he can feel how the complete family is and all of that thanks to Forth.

Forth is driving while Beam is slowly sniffing, they just left the house around 10 minutes but Beam can't stop crying.

"We can go home during weekend. Don't cry so much, your eyes will hurt" Forth tries to console his boyfriend.

"really? This weekend?" ask Beam.

Forth sighs. It can't be this weekend because he has lot of work to do. He is the head hazer right now and his responsibility become heavier.

"no baby, another weekend" answer Forth.

"why?!" whine Beam.

"I'm the new hazer, lots of things to do" said Forth softly.

Beam become quiet and Forth glance over to see his sulking boyfriend. Beam frowns hard before he gets the idea.

"I will go alone. Okay?" suggest Beam and Forth shakes his head disagree.

"why? You will be busy and we can't meet so much. Let me go, I miss your cousins already" protest Beam.

"Fine. Go, just go. When I miss you or want to talk to you I will just sleep. I will eat alone and watch tv alone. It's okay" now Forth is sulking.

Beam glances at his boyfriend that become serious and quiet. He feels guilty for making his boyfriend sad.

"do you want me to stay with you?" ask Beam carefully.

"of course! I hope when I'm tired I can see your face and release the tiredness but you choose my family. I guess I'm lucky to have a boyfriend who love My family more than he loves me" wow, even Forth can use sulking card to Beam.

Beam huff and glares at Forth. He knows Forth's game, this is how he wants to make Beam give up and he knows he will success.

"really Forth?" ask Beam, can't believe his ears on how childish Forth sounds right now.

"what? I want to spend my time with you. If you don't want then I'm okay with it"

"Fine! I will stay with you" Beam cross his arms and look outside the window.

Forth is cheering inside, he knows he will win.

"are you angry baby?" ask Forth teasingly.

Beam huff and bites Forth's arm. He is really angry with Forth but Forth just laugh, Beam is always cute in his eyes.

"thank you. We will go home together okay. Next time" explain Forth softly.

"hm" answer Beam shorts.

Forth let Beam with his mood, Beam will be better when he is bored or hungry.

Beam is okay now because he starts eating his snacks and sing along with radio. The Happy Beam is everything Forth wants.

Beam feeds Forth who is driving  a few times, Beam's mood is getting better when they can see their University. Beam looks really excited right now and Forth don't know why.

"You look excited baby" tell Forth because Beam is clearly happy right now.

"Yeah. I can't wait to transfer the photos from your camera to my laptop"

Beam takes thousands of pictures of them when he was at his home. Forth smiles and park his car. Beam get out from the car and brings the camera only. Not his luggage and stuff.

Forth shakes his head and take Beam's stuff to the room. When he enter the unlock room Beam already on the bed with his laptop and the camera.

Forth puts Beam's stuff on the floor and enter kitchen to drink some water.

"Baby, I'm going first" Forth kiss Beam's head softly.

Beam look at Forth and frowns, he thought Forth will stay with him in his room today.

"you don't want to stay here?" ask Beam sadly.

Forth heart blooms when Beam ask him like that. Beam really looks sad right now, like Beam doesn't want to separate with him.

Forth sits on the bed and ruffles Beam's hair.

"I need to prepare for class tomorrow. I will come back later with dinner. Okay?" ask Forth and Beam smiles wide.

"okay! Don't forget to bring fried chicken"

"okay baby" Forth gets up again, this time Beam also gets up and walk with Forth to the door. His hand on Forth shoulder.

"bye. Careful" said Beam.

Forth can't stop smiling, Beam is really sweet and cute. Forth leans and kiss Beam on the cheeks before he left.

Forth can't stop smiling and he is humming to a song while walking to his car. Beam is really the perfect man that Forth know.

"Phi Forth!"

Forth stops walking and turn around, his mood change so fast when he see that face. He grits his teeth and want to leave but that person grab his arm. Forth snatches his hand away and glares so hard that his eyes are red.

"Phi, I'm sorry" begs Wayo with tears, Wayo is really scared because Forth always nice and gentle but now, after the incident Forth can't even see his face.

"Phi, I know I'm stupid and selfish. I'm sorry. I hate myself for doing that I'm sorry!!!" begs Wayo more.

Forth is not listening at all, he really can't do anything about his heart right now. His heart can't forgive and forget what Wayo has done.

"I don't know Wayo. I treated you like my brother and you used me like a trash. You got Pha now, appreciate him and leave me alone" Forth leaves but Wayo chase after him and makes Forth stop his step again.

Forth is ready with his fist and he really wants to punch that face.

"go now, or I will punch you" warns Forth and ready with his fist.

"punch me phi. Beat me as much as you want"

Forth already aims his fist but someone stops him, that was Kit. Kit grabs Forth's hand and look at Wayo. Within second, Kit's palm hit Wayo's cheek. Hard enough to leave red marks. Everyone is quite.

"there, I slapped you already. Now leave us alone. Leave Forth and Beam alone, when Beam forgive you, we will forgive you. Go" Kit pushes Wayo a bit and pulls Forth and Ming with him.

Ming can't say anything but he feels pity to his friend. Wayo is still crying and now Wayo sits on the road and cry his heart out.

Ming text Pha to come and get Wayo. Wayo deserves the treatment after what he had done but people is a normal human being. They will protect themselves first before others.

"Forth, you can't punch him. Beam will get angry" said Kit when three of then are far enough from Wayo.

"I know. You shouldn't slap him either" said Forth back.

"he ask for it" retorts Kit back. Forth and Ming only can shake their head, they know Kit is really angry with Wayo too.

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