Part 1

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-I'm just trying to write forthbeam story, I have a plot for sometimes already. I'm not sure if the readers will read or like it but I want to give it a try.  'Love Is Here' will end soon, I need something to distract me from the stress doing internship. All the characters belong to the real owners just Tae and Tee are ours (their fans)

-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Beam is what people call as casanova because flirting is his middle name. He loves to flirt and make girls fall for him. He is smooth in sweet talking that he even can smooth talk with the professors. Female professors.

All Beam do is flirt but how far he plays with female's heart? Only the victims and the casanova knows.

Beam is not a typical casanova because he can't drink alcohol and he hates it. He hates people who cheats. He doesn't like to involve with girl in relationships. He flirts girls but date no one.

"Beam, one day girls will pray at the mountains to ask from God to make you gay" said Kit, tired with his friend flirting around. As long as the person is known as female in their ID, Beam will flirt them.

Pha snort and nods his head, agrees with Kit. Beam turns to look at his friends after send another wink to a group of girls walk past them.

"hey, I just want to meet my fated one. You know right, God is generous and make everyone to has their fated one. I can't wait to meet that person" said Beam cheerfully. Kit and Pha sighs. Nothing can go through their friend's head.

"that fated one might be a man though, right Pha?" ask Kit to Pha, because only Pha has a boyfriend right now and Kit is being court by a man too. Who are you to talk Kit?

"Yup! Kit, your fated one may be a man too" answer Pha and earn a death glare from Kit.

Beam watches his friends banter and think about what Kit and Pha said. What happened if the fated one is not a woman?

"nah, God is fair enough. If he gives you both man as fated one, then I will have a girl"  Beam is confident at this, Beam has a simple mind and with that thought can ease his feelings already.

"Think what you want. Just remember that God might punish you for playing with girls heart" Said Kit and walk away fast towards their classes.

Pha nods his head and pats Beam's head with a sinister smile before following Kit. Beam stands there a few seconds before he enter the class. Don't ask what Beam thinks because his head is actually blank at the moment. He thinks nothing.

Their class end well, they choose to eat in the Faculty's cafe today because they need to rush for their next class after lunch.

Beam walks alone to his car after he finished all of his class for today, Pha and Kit are together because they have to meet the professor for the new event that will be held soon. Pha is the president and Kit is the Secretary. Beam? Nah, he hates stuff like that.

When he is about to open his car's door, he is surprised when a motorcycle engine roar in the medical parking lot. No one in the medical use bike.

Beam's jaw drop when he saw two man are riding a bike, not that it's weird but the riders are Forth and Wayo. Who are them? Let's make a short introduction, Forth like Wayo and try to court Wayo once, but Wayo like Pha since baby? Nah, Wayo loves Pha for years already.

'eh, Wayo sure wants Pha to get angry again' Beam sighs and put his bag in the car. He doesn't want to interfere with his friends love life but he knows this will cause a big fight. Pha will become moody and slash at him and Kit. He doesn't want it!

He walks to the two men that still having a chit chat. Forth even take off his helmet too, he switched off the engine too.

"Pha will hate like this" said Beam when he are close enough near them.

Forth and Wayo turn their heads to see Beam. Both of them smiles like nothing. Beam frowns and stare at Wayo. He thinks Wayo is dense.

"why are  you here with this guy?" ask  Beam, pointing Forth with his car key. Forth is offended with how Beam call him as this guy, they know each other enough to call each other their name but no, Beam wants to call this guy.

"I want to take a taxi to come here, to meet Phi Pha but Phi Forth was around and offer a ride" Wayo explain everything with a smile.

Wayo loves Pha but he likes Forth too, it's not that kind of like, more to admire Forth. Yes, Forth has almost everything except pale skin colour as them but, that makes him more attractive. He is a rare products. Sorry Forth!!!

"Oh, Pha and Kit have a discussion with the professor. You can text him you are here and wait there, near his car has a bench. And you, engineer student can go before Pha gets here" Beam said his last words and walk away like he said nothing. His face is blank too.

Beam laugh a lot when he is with Pha and Kit and he smiles a lot to girls. Beam is not a typical casanova that loves to involve and joins people who he doesn't know. He only has a small circle of friends. He has his best friends, Pha and Kit and another friends he plays basketball.

Forth smirks watching Beam walk away from them. He can't even say anything to Beam because Beam left them already. Forth take the helmet from Wayo and take his leave. He doesn't want Pha to see him too. Yeah, he likes Wayo but not at the level he wants to snatch others boyfriends.

Forth ride away from the parking area and he is behind Beam's car. He smiles a bit and roar his engine before  left Beam behind. He is faster than Beam.

Beam watches Forth's bike ride passed him but he just stares. That's all. Beam doesn't hate Forth or something because he admitted that Wayo is cute and people like to protect him. It's also the human right to like anyone because the heart choose the person, but just know when to stop or back off. Snatching others lovers is not cool at all.

Beam get home, take shower and get ready for his basketball games. He plays basketball at least three times a week. He needs to stay fits to flirt and woo girls. Beam's way of thinking is simple and stupid too at times.

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