Part 28

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Pha sends Beam to Engineering faculty, Pha forces Beam to go and have a talk with Forth. A talk about themselves not about him and Wayo.

Beam waves to Pha and Pha left after leaving a text for Ming to make sure Beam is okay. Ming reads the text and finds Beam as fast as he can.

"Park, Lam, where is Forth?" ask Beam when he see Forth's best friends.

Lam and Park greets Beam back with a smile, they don't know something bad happens for their relationship because Forth is busy and they can't even talk to Forth properly.

"he is in the lab. You want to see him?" ask Lam, really excited to see Beam here. Beam rarely come to their faculty because student will tease him about him and Forth.

"yeah. Where is it?" ask Beam.

"third building, second floor" answer Park.

"ok, I'm going first. Let's eat together another time" said Beam while walking away.

He is nervous and keeps repeating the what to say to Forth in his mind.

First, he will apologise

Second, he will tell how much he loves Forth

Third, he doesn't want they argue about Pha and Wayo anymore

Fourth, he will listen to Wayo story and decides what to do to help Pha and Wayo.

Beam opens the lab door but Forth is nowhere. He wants to leave already when he heard some voices from one of the small rooms. Beam smiles and walks there slowly, he wants to surprise Forth.

When he reach the door he stops, his legs stop, his body and his heart too.

"Wayo, you know I care about you"

"you care about me but you don't love me right?"

"what are you talking about?" Forth sounds desperate.

"Phi Pha leave me and have an affair with a girl. No one care about me!" the yell clearly come from Wayo.

"Wayo, listen, I care and love you okay"

"but it's different with how you love Phi Beam" Wayo is crying.

"don't talk about Beam, Beam is another story. I really care about you Wayo, that's why I'm here, with you right now"

"I wish you are Phi Pha" Wayo's voice become slower and then the silence. Beam takes a shaky moves and look inside, Forth and Wayo are hugging.

"You don't know how much I wish I'm Pha"

Beam's tears roll down his cheeks, his legs feel weak. All the words from the conversation pierce through Beam's heart. Beam wants to wail and ask Forth why he do this to him. If Forth love Wayo why chase after him and make him fall in love with Forth.

Beam cries so hard that he can't even get his voice out. He clench his shirt, like he is clenching his heart.

Beam wipes his tears and tries to stand properly, he needs to go before Forth found him. Beam walks slowly to the exit while holding to the wall. His body shakes.

"oh god, it's hurt so much" whimpers Beam and still try to leave. He climbs the stairs slowly. He glads no one is here right now because it's close to semester break and some of students go home already.

"it's hurt" Beam continue his slow steps until the last stair.

"Phi Beam"

Beam turns to look at who is calling his name but before anything, he collapse.

"Phi!" yells the owner of the voice and runs to Beam.

Beam is smaller and lighter than Ming, Ming lift Beam like nothing and runs to his car. Beam faints suddenly is worrisome.

Kit runs through the hallway, he hits anyone on his way. He is looking for Pha who is spending his time in the library.

"Pha! Pha!" yells Kit loudly, he looks for Pha every where.

"Pha!!!" yells Kit until he falls on the floor on his knees. He is crying too.

"what is wrong with you Kitty?" ask Pha, a bit running to meet Kit.

"Kit?!" Pha runs to Kit when he saw Kit already on the floor.

"hey, what happened?" ask Pha worried.

"Beam. Hospital"

Pha pulls Kit to go with him. Pha drags the tired Kit to his car and drives away fast with his car.

Ming is waiting beside Beam's bed when Pha and Kit reach there. Ming looks like he just finished crying, Kit sits beside Ming while Pha sits beside Beam.

"what doctor said?"

"Phi Beam exhausted his body, his blood pressure is low and his heartbeat and pulse rate is really low. He can't breath properly, he needs the helps to even breath" Ming chokes out his cry while talking.

He is sad because he knows what happened and why Beam in this state. Beam looks fine a few hours ago and now, Beam is laying on the hospital bed, look sick and pale.

"when he will awake?" ask Kit worry, he holds Beam's hand tight but softly.

"Doctor can't say it, doctor said he will wake up when his body fully heal. It's depend on Phi Beam's spirit too"

Pha almost collapse listen to that.

"Beam, wake up" said Pha with tears in his eyes. He rubs Beam's cold hands softly. He is begging to Beam.

"what happened Ming?" ask Pha stern.

Ming gulps down his saliva and shakes his head.

"what do you mean? I asked you to look after him"

"I don't know phi." answer Ming without looking at Pha's eyes.

Kit give a signal for Ming to follow him outside the room. Ming knows he can't lie to Kit so he is ready to tell the truth. He doesn't want to hurt Pha anymore.

Ming explains everything he heard to Kit. Kit is more than furious but Ming keep Kit calm. Violence settles nothing.

"how could them? I thought Forth loves Beam" hiss Kit fuming with anger.

"I'm shocked too phi. I don't know what to do. Wayo is my best friend and Phi Forth is my senior"

Kit kicks the chairs hard, if the chair break he is willing to pay. He needs something to avenge his anger, it supposed to be Forth and Wayo's face if Beam is not in the hospital now.

"Don't ever say their name again" hiss Kit and sits on the chair. He runs his hand through his hair.

"relax phi" Ming tries to calm Kit down. Kit stay silent for a few seconds before hugs Ming.

"I'm scared Ming, what if Beam choose to sleep longer. I want him to be here, with us" Kit wails his heart out.

Seeing his boyfriend cries this much makes Ming cry too, if he in Beam's place he might kill himself already.

"I'm sorry I can't do anything" Ming really feel useless right now. He thinks if he stops Beam from hearing more of it, Beam will not laying in the hospital like this.

"I hate myself because I can't do anything too" said Kit sadly. He promised to be with Beam anytime but Beam is alone when his heart break to millions pieces.

"hey phi, don't say that. You know Phi Beam loves you so much right. You must support him and be strong. He is okay, he just needs time" Ming try to stay positive and stops Kit from blaming himself so much.

When it is about heart, no one is wrong. The things wrong is with how you manage it. Forth and Wayo can love anyone they want but breaking others heart is wrong. Totally wrong.

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