Part 30

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Pha is hugging the crying Kit, Kit still cries silently while looking at sleeping Beam. Pha wants to ask what happened but Kit keep shaking his head.

"hey Kit, you want Ming to come?" ask Pha, he hopes with mentioning Ming name Kit will be more calm.

"Beam, is he okay?" ask Kit, ignoring the question. He can't think about anything now, all he he wants is Beam is okay and be like his usual self, not a broken one. His tears flows again when he remember how much Beam suffers last night.

"you know he is strong. He will be okay. My sister said he is fine." Pha tries to console Kit but deep inside he is worry sick.

"Pha, can you love him?" ask Kit seriously, he looks into Pha's eyes. He means everything, if with Pha and Beam together can lessen their pain, he really hope Beam and Pha are together. He doesn't care if his best friend date each other as long as they are happy.

Pha chuckles and ruffles Kit's hair. He can't understand what Kit means but he think Kit is stress with Beam conditions so he let it slide.

"I'm serious, can you love him?" ask Kit desperate. He is holding Pha's hand and begging with his eyes.

"you know I love him Kit. I love both of you" answer Pha but Kit shakes his head, he doesn't mean that way.

"can you love Beam like you love Wayo?" ask Kit again, the question is absurd and weird for Pha. Pha shakes his head and force Kit to sleep. Kit is talking nonsense right now.

Morning come and both Kit and Beam is still sleeping. Only Pha is awake and look at his best friends. To say he doesn't bothered with Kit's questions is a lie. Why Kit ask like that? That's really weird.

Ming come and bring their foods. Pha smiles a bit at Ming. Ming come close and kiss Kit's cheek softly. He can see how tired his boyfriend and senior are. He glimpse to see Beam, Beam is really pale and he feels guilty for lying to Pha about know nothing.

"what happened Phi, the nurses talked about something happen last night" ask Ming and take a seat near Pha. They talk slowly and Pha told Ming everything.

"I don't know much. They said Beam said something so hurt in his heart and then he needs to be drugged to make him calm. Kit is crying non stop. I'm confused" explain Pha.

Ming looks at the floor, he knows what is happening but he chose not to tell Pha because that will hurt Pha too. He also doesn't want to meet with Wayo and Forth because he is afraid he will do something bad to them.

Forth is looking for Beam and till today no one tell Forth where is Beam. Not many people know what happened but no one open their mouth about Beam's whereabouts because they are sure it's must have something to do with Forth.

"I will find Forth, I need to ask what happened between Beam and him" said Pha and wants to go but Ming stops him. Ming is scared if Pha will be heartbroken too. Seeing Beam like this makes Ming afraid to see other person hurt.

"I need to find him Ming. I will punch him if I have to" said Pha, angry.

"Phi, no. Let's make sure Phi Beam is okay first" Ming try again, Pha is a stubborn man and he already decide to go.

"Ming, I will..."

"Pha" Beam's voice stop Pha on the track. Pha and Ming turns to look at Beam.

Pha runs to Beam's side and smiles. He is glad Beam is awake and fine. Kit also awake and runs to Beam. Kit hugs Beam tightly. They hugs each other fir about three minutes before Beam pull away. It's cramped, being crushed by Pha is not nice at all.

"hey, I want to talk to Pha. Alone. Please?" ask Beam politely.

Ming nods his head and pulls Kit to go out with him. Ming will take Kit home to freshen up.

"are you okay? How are you feeling?" ask Pha concern. Beam smiles and sits properly on his bed.

Beam looks at Pha, Pha really look happy right now, at least happier than the last time he saw Pha. Beam pulls Pha's hand and put it together with him. He hopes Pha can be strong.

"honestly it's really hurt but I'm strong. I think" Beam tilts his head a bit. A soft smile appears.

"tell me what happened" ask Pha, he wants to know what happened to Beam.

Beam take a deep breath and pats Pha's shoulder. He comes closer in case Pha needs a shoulder to cry. At least he is here for Pha, Pha is not alone.

"Pha, what if Wayo love Forth more than you and Forth love Wayo more than he love me? Can you, can you let them be happy?" ask Beam almost in tears. It's hurt him so much that he is stuttering the words out.

Pha is stunned but he can't say anything. He is super shocked with the question.

"Pha,I love Forth and I'm willing to let him go if he can be happy but I don't want you to get hurt too. Wayo is your first love" Beam approaches slowly and Pha gets Beam's meaning at last.

He realised how Wayo idolised Forth and always said that Forth is the best in everything. Pha smiles a bit and nod his head. He is willing to let Wayo go if that is the best.

"I will talk to Wayo. If he really loves Forth than I will let him go" said Pha without looking at Beam. His heart breaks into pieces. He can't believe this is the end of his relationship but he can't blame anyone.

Beam cups Pha's face and look at Pha in the eyes. Pha is in the verge of tears.

"I love him so much Beam, I don't know what to do if he stops loving me" said Pha, holdings Beam's hand tightly. He needs Beam's strength, he got nothing right now.

"it's hurt more to know that the person you thought he loves you actually don't" Beam wipes Pha's tears and hugs Pha tightly, he is sobbing again. He hopes the pain he get is enough for him and Pha. He broke already so he wants to take the pain from Pha.

Why? Why Forth like Wayo? Why Wayo like Forth?

"Move Ming! Let me see Beam!" Yells Forth to Ming, Ming is blocking Forth from entering the hospital. He just know that Beam admitted to the hospital after overheard Beam's friends talking at basketball court.

Forth has been trying to contact Beam for thousands times, he even go to Beam's dorm everyday. He doesn't even meet Kit and Pha this whole time and Wayo almost with him all the time.

"I will fight you Ming!" warns Forth, his hands turn to fist. Ming gulps, he is scared and he knows how strong Forth is but he will never back off. He will not going to let Forth hurts Beam more.

"I will fight you too. Phi, I respected you before but not anymore after what you have done" Ming is dead serious and he is ready to fight.

Forth is confused with what is Ming talking about. He understand nothing.

"Phi Forth, let's go!" Wayo is here too and he is trying to stop Ming and Forth from fighting. They are in front of the hospital, they attract attention.

"Go now!" growls Ming.

Forth back off when a few securities come to them. Forth let Wayo pulls him away.

Forth hits the wheel hard. He hates this. He is Beam's boyfriend but he can't see and know what actually happened to him.

"I want to know how is Beam. I miss him Yo" said Forth and look at the hospital building.

Forth is planning on how to enter the hospital and see Beam, no matter how much people stops him, he will not give up.

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