Part 25

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Beam is happy with Forth, Kit is happy with Ming but why Pha and Wayo are arguing?

Pha is now in Beam's room, relieving his anger, he is really angry and Beam never see Pha this angry before, he is scared but he doesn't want to call Forth. He decides to text Kit.

Kit comes fast when he reads the text. Pha is seriously angry and looks like a crazy man. Beam's room is messy because Pha throw everything he see.

Beam flinches a few times when something hit the wall and drop to the floor, the sounds quite loud.

Kit enter the room and surprised looking at crazy Pha. He looks at Beam who is hiding in his blanket on the bed. He goes to Beam first.

"hey, are you okay?" ask Kit concern. Beam nods his head and shows Pha.

Kit nods and get up from the bed. He will smack some sense to the giant but Beam pulls Kit to sit back on the bed, he shakes his head no.

"it's okay" Kit push Beam's hand slowly and take something from the bed, a mineral water bottle.

Kit opens the lid and Beam shakes his head at the same time. Kit is brave and a bit crazy too but only Kit can stop Pha now.

Kit splash the water directly to Pha face. Pha stops his action and stunned when he is wet. The water is dripping on his face. He glares at Kit but Kit still calm and shows Beam, the scared Beam.

Pha sigh and close his eyes. He wipes his face with his shirt and go to Beam. He sits at the end of the bed and smile thinly.

"I'm sorry" Pha apologies and Beam smiles.

Beam moves to Pha and hugs Pha in his arms. Pha become soft and lean his body to Beam, makes them both fall on the bed. Pha is heavier than Beam.

Pha is calm in the hug, Kit joins them and lay on his friends body.

"Kit, you are hurting Beam" Pha push Kit so they lay flatly on the bed.

"what happened?" ask Beam while caressing his friends hair.

Kit also focus on Pha. Pha is a bit crazy but he never do this before.

"it's Wayo" Pha starts. Beam wants to say something but Kit stops him to give Pha some times.

"we already fight about this matter a few times. He keeps accusing me having an affair. During the event, I help a girl and he thought I have an affair with her. I don't know why he keeps saying I'm unfaithful" Pha sighs again.

Beam and Kit listen carefully and they will be ready when they need to.

"He still can't trust me and thought I'm a playboy. He keeps repeating how nice Forth is. I don't know why we still together if he can't trust me!" Pha is irritated.

Beam and Kit look at each other. It's not new for them, Pha and Wayo always argue about the same thing.

"I know you Pha, I will talk to him" said Kit but Pha shakes his head.

"I don't know guys. This love hurts me so much. I need some rest" said Pha and he close his eyes.

Beam and Kit look at each other, they are sympathy with Pha. They know Pha and Wayo argued before but they think that's normal for the couple. Even Ming and Kit fight too.

"I will talk to Ming, maybe he knows something and can talk slowly to Wayo" said Kit and Beam nods his head, he glances at Pha.

Pha is a tough man, crying and feeling devastated is not Pha's personality.

"take care of him. I will come back with dinner" said Kit.

"Okay. Don't go so long" said Beam and Kit nods his head.

Beam sees Kit left his room. Beam lays beside the tired Pha. Beam caress Pha's hair softly. Seeing Pha this angry and sad makes him sad too. All he has in the world are his father, Pha and Kit and those eight. Now, he has Forth too. He smiles remembering Forth.

The bell rings, Beam get down from the bed and go to open the door. He is surprised to see Forth is here, in front of him. Beam hugs Forth tight.

"you told me you got stuff to do" said Beam, really happy he can see Forth now.

Forth smiles and kiss on top of Beam's head. Beam smiles with the affection.

"uh, baby, Pha is here?" ask Forth.

Beam is confused, why Forth is looking for Pha but he nods his head and shows the sleeping Pha in his room.

Forth push Beam aside slowly and walks furiously toward Pha. Beam can't understand anything now, why Forth looks angry.

Before Forth can pull Pha's hand, Beam pulls his first. Beam ask in whispering tone, why he wants to wake up Pha. Forth reaction change, Forth looks really angry.

"what is wrong?" ask Beam and pull Forth away from the bed, Pha just sleep a few minutes ago. He is tired.

"let me talk to him first" Forth is stern but Beam still stop him.

"Wayo talked to you?" ask Beam, a bit irritated actually and he doesn't know why.

"yeah, Pha is being overboard" said Forth loud, he wants Pha to wake up and face him so that he can ask what actually happened.

"no. Forth, let him rest first" Beam tries to talk softly but deep inside Beam wants to say to Forth to stay out from their relationship.

"no. Beam, Wayo came to me, crying like crazy saying Pha is having an affair" Forth continue.

Beam sighs and pulls Forth out from his room. He close the door and lock it from inside, even he doesn't has the key to enter the room. He knows this Forth, this Forth will make Pha awake and fight.

"you should be calm enough to talk by using your mouth, not your fist" said Beam, tapping Forth's chest. Forth is furious and they will never talk, they will fight. Pha's emotion is not stable too. If Pha and Forth are fighting, Beam can't stop them.

"then let me teach him!" Forth starts to yell. Beam flinches, he is shocked with Forth reaction for being this angry because of Wayo and Pha.

"Forth, go home or go finish your matters first. Being angry without knowing anything is wrong. Go"

"wait, you want me to go? I'm not going before we talk"

"go, Forth. If you are still thinking about me, go now. Please" said Beam, begging.

Forth feels dejected and devastated, his boyfriend told him to go.

"Fine!" Forth left, Beam leans on the door and sighs, what's wrong right now?

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