Part 14

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-mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Forth becomes more braver to court Beam and Beam becomes more accepting. Now Beam allows Forth to join him in lunch when his friends are busy with their boyfriends.

Today, Beam and Forth have lunch together. Beam said nothing like usual so do Forth. They just eat in silence and Forth smile like crazy.

"I'm going. See you" Forth tidy his stuff and throw away the waste. Beam sit still and eat like Forth doesn't exist.

"Beam, I'm going first okay?" Forth thought Beam can't hear him that's why he repeats but Beam still give the same response.

"hey, are you okay?" ask Forth, take his seat back. He sounds concern.

Beam look at Forth and stare for a minute before he opens his mouth. He has a question he wants to ask to Forth.

"Forth, you like Wayo before right?" ask Beam directly, Forth is surprised with the question, no one ask him about Wayo anymore.

"yeah and I still like him as a brother" Forth continue but Beam scoffs.

"how your heart change direction very fast. I mean, it's not easy to move on right?" Ask Beam again.

"Yeah. I'm not sure what I feel for Wayo before. I care about him because he looks fragile and need someone to talk to that time. I think I'm mistaken the feels. I like him but when he said he likes Pha and Pha likes him back, I can let it go. I'm glad he has someone that love him" explain Forth carefully, he doesn't want Beam to misunderstand that he is as a replacement or something.

"but for you, I want to fight to have your heart. I don't like the idea of other people liking you. I hope you are mine" mutters Forth. Beam sighs and look at Forth who is staring at the floor.

"Forth, I can't promise my heart but yeah, why not. I'm giving myself a chance to accept you." said Beam after he thought a lot.

Forth smiles beaming by that, Beam allows him to court Beam. Forth can't help but yell in happiness causes attention turns to them.

"Beam allows me to court him!!!" yells Forth happily.

"we know he will!!!" yell students in the canteen back.

Beam can't believe that Forth will do the silly thing like that and he can't hide his embarrassment. Forth is a shameful man.

"don't have to yell" hiss Beam scolding the happy Forth. Forth ignore the scolding and smile happily and proud with this.

"I'm gonna make you the happiest person in world" promised Forth but Beam snorts.

"I want to watch you try" with that Beam left Forth alone.

"I will Beam" said Forth to himself with a confident smile.

Beam knows he called Kit as a Tsundere once and now when he is in the state of push and pull with Forth he hates to admit that he is a tsundere too but not as bad as Kit.

Beam doesn't want to label him and Kit together because Kit is sure that he likes Ming but for Beam, he is not sure what is his feelings towards Forth and why he is willing to let Forth court him.

"Beam" Pha sits on Beam's bed like he owns it and he is grinning like an idiot.

Beam glances at Pha grinning face. Beam sighs and shakes his head, he has no time to deal with Pha's teasing. He is sure that Pha already heard about the courting thing. Beam continue typing in his laptop to finish his assignment.

"Beam, you have something to tell me?" ask Pha and pokes Beam sides a few times. Beam ignores Pha.

Pha doesn't feel bored and keep poking Beam. Beam glare at Pha but Pha doesn't feel scared at all, he is wiggling his brows and waiting for Beam to tell him the whole story that he already know. Pha is a nosy man.

"You've got nothing to do Pha?" ask Beam irritated.

"yes and that is to know what happened?" Pha is stubborn and Beam knows Pha will keep pestering him until he open his mouth.

"nothing happened Pha. Forth wants to court me and I let him" said Beam lazily. Pha sits facing with Beam, he wants to see Beam's face

"you like him right?" ask Pha more.

"not yet Pha, not like that. I'm curious,  how he can move on easily and change his heart so fast. What makes him sure that the like he has for me is different with the like he has to Wayo"

Pha is silent and think about what Beam said. Pha looks at Beam. Pha smiles tenderly and hugs Beam's by side.

"Beam, love comes when the time is right and when the person is right too. What Forth said might be true, he likes Wayo but he loves you" said Pha with comforting voice, he knows how Beam defines love, for Beam there is no love at first sight and there is no love at a short time.

"don't you think that's too early to say Forth loves me?" ask Beam back, they know each other names for more than a year but beside that nothing else. Forth just stated that he loves Beam out of nowhere.

"Beam, only heart wants what it wants."

"I don't know Pha. Love is not that easy. Even you take more than a year to admit that you like Wayo"

"Yes, that's right. When I accept that I love Wayo, I'm regretting the denial that I've made for years. I hope I accept him earlier" Beam look at Pha, Pha look sincere with his words and Beam can see how much regrets Pha feel and how happy Pha right now.

"well, you are lucky that Wayo is faithful and willing to wait for you. I'm giving Forth and myself a chance now" Beam look at ceiling and recalled what Forth had done in order to make him accept Forth. Forth done a lot that's why Beam is giving a chance to Forth.

Pha pats Beam's back softly. He gets up from the bed and look at Beam.

"Beam, I know I hate Forth before because he tried to court Wayo but I hate him because I know he is better than me" Beam smirk at the sincere confession. Pha never admits that there were someone else who is better than him. Pha is full of himself.

"now I feel proud because you actually admit that Forth is better than you" Beam smirk widely.

Pha huff and take a leave. He doesn't has time to fight about that anymore. He admitted it himself, in front of his best friend.

Beam laughs heartily when Pha blast his door. Beam mutters stupid when Pha left.

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