Chapter 32

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I made my way up the stairs and headed towards my room to collect my drawings. They were important to me and I didn't want to leave them behind. I knew that as soon as I find the key and free the operators, we would be rushing out of this place and not looking back. Once I reached my room, I entered and placed all my drawings inside my brown bag. Now, the only thing left to do is find that key.

I left the room. As I was walking, I brainstormed on where this key might be. It might be with a level 4 or with Agus. I shivered at the thought of even seeing him again. That piece of shit gives me the creeps. I could try to find Jax and see if I can get any information out of him. I need to find him first.

Three places came to mind: the gym, Lily's hut and the warehouse. I wasn't too far away from the gym, so I checked it out. There wasn't anyone walking around today for some reason. I didn't really mind it. The fewer people I come in contact with, the more I get to keep my sanity. The people in this cave where crazy, but I guess it's not completely their fault. Stupid brain washing.

I approached the gym. It was completely empty.

'Well, that's disappointing' I thought. 'Maybe I'll have a better chance at Lily's hut'

I made my way to her hut. The buildings halls were like a ghost town compared to the level 1 town. People moved around with happy smiles on their faces. I feel angry and sad every time I walk through here. It's sad to see all these people walking around and thinking they were forced to be here and brain washed. It's also angering because none of them are even remotely aware of their situation, and they aren't fighting for themselves. All of them were like puppets and I hated that. I could help these poor people. I tried to help Lily and Jax, but I know I wasted my time on them so it'll probably be the same for all these level 1's.

Once I reached Lily's hut, I entered and looked around. There wasn't much to look at to begin with and it took me a second to realize she wasn't here.

'There's only one other place' I thought.

I sighed and moved out of the hut. The level 1's moved out of my way as I walked through the crowd. Some looked at me with admiration while others looked disgusted. They must know a couple things about me then like Lily and Jax.

'I don't know why that lady is staring at me like I just stole her cat' I thought once I spotted an elderly woman staring at me from the corner of my eye. 'Wait, does she even know what a cat looks like?'

I thought about it for a sec then dismissed the question. Why should I care? I spotted a group of level 3's marched towards the jail cells once I entered the building.

'Maybe they have the key. It would make sense' I thought.

The group was composed of at least 5 level 3's. I followed them but kept my distance, so they wouldn't notice me. They walked slowly and didn't talk to each other. It took them forever to finally reach the prison.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to finally show up" said Thermite.

Of course it was him. The level 3's stopped in the middle of the room. I made my way to one dimly lit corner and hoped they wouldn't see me. One of them dropped a bag and opened it. He reached inside and took out a box. The guy gave the box to another level 3. He reached back in the bag and took out another box... and another one. He gave both of the boxes to the surrounding level 3's.

The guy closed the bag and put it on his back. One of the level 3's walked up to Thermite's and Kapkan's cell and took out a key.

'Well what do you know, they have the key'

It was time for me to get out of my hiding spot. Since all of the level 3's were looking at the cells, they all had their backs turned to me. I sneaked towards the wall which held the operators weapons and took a pistol equipped with a silencer. I made my way towards the guards and when I was close enough, I took a shot. Since it was my first time firing a gun, I was surprised by the recoil. I ended up hitting one guy in the shoulder and it alerted all the others.

"Oh no" I said out loud.

The guy that I hit screamed in pain and held his wound with his hand. I couldn't have timed it better because the guy with the key had just opened the cell. Kapkan rushed out and punched the man. Thermite grabbed the key from the now unconscious level 3 and ran to Thatcher's and Mute's cell. Meanwhile, Kapkan started fighting with the other level 3's. He only took a break when all of them were on the floor and unconscious.

"Nice rescue plan" said Kapkan.

He walked towards me and gripped the pistol in my hand while staring at me. I loosened my grip on the pistol and stared back at him.

"We are going to have to teach you how to fire a gun once we get back to base" he said.

He gently took the pistol out of my hands and smiled at me. I smiled back.

"It's good to see you again" I said.

The Russian in front of me holstered the pistol and hugged me.

"It's good to see you too" he said.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we need to get out of here" said Thatcher.

I broke away from Kapkan and glanced around the room. The other operators were out of the cells and were gathering up their guns.

"We need to make a plan" said IQ.

"There's a tunnel that leads to an abandoned warehouse above ground. It's our best way out of here" I said.

"Lead the way, Spitfire"

A/N: Hello people! I'm just here to thank you all for reading this book. This book is at 4k views! Thank you so much!

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