Chapter 4

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It's been 3 weeks and 4 days that I've been here. I don't mind being stuck here no more. It's actually better here. Glaz taught me how to draw and paint and to be honest, I'm pretty good at it. Tachanka tried to teach me about Russian history but it always ended up with me falling asleep. Fuze didn't teach me anything, but I learn that he's a sweetheart and loves puppies. Kapkan, on the other hand, forced me to learn self-defence. He also forced me to carry a knife everywhere I go. It's annoying beyond belief, but I get why he does it. I just wonder if we are ever gonna move out of this base.

Today was no different. Glaz was drawing on the table, Kapkan was talking with Fuze in the kitchen and Tachanka was playing with my hair on the middle sofa. I was leaning against his chest, by now it wasn't anything unusual. I've made a connection with these people even tho it hasn't been over a month that I know them.

'Are you confident in your ability to protect yourself?' asked Guardian out of nowhere.

'Yes, why?'

'No particular reason'

I decided to forget she even said that and instead talk with Chanka.

"Are we ever gonna move from this shitty place?" I asked.

"Don't be so eager to leave little one. This place is good enough" he replied with a chuckle.

"We all know that's not true. I don't even know where you guys sleep at night! There isn't even any electricity in here!"

"Doesn't matter" Kapkan said while he was walking over to us.

"You didn't answer my question tho!" I wined.

"We're not moving" Kapkan said. He was in front of me.

"Why not?"

"Because we're good here" replied Tachanka.

"HM" I said. I wiggle to get into a better position in Tachanka's grip and giving up on arguing with them. He still ran his fingers in my hair as Kapkan sat next to me.


"Yes, I could sleep like this" I replied to Alex and made him laugh a bit.

"I wouldn't min..."

A bullet hit Kapkan in the arm before Tachanka could finish his sentence and a bunch more could be heard outside.

"Glaz signal for help! Fuze get the equipment! Kapkan, take Amelia to the room and keep her safe!" ordered Tachanka.

I immediately get up and ran for my room with Kapkan tailing right behind me. I open the door and quickly rush in. Turning around to close the door behind me, I see Maxim's arm is bleeding badly.

"Sit on the bed and I could help you wrap that up"

"That's not my first priority" he said in a determined voice.

"I don't care! I don't want you to bleed to death!" I yelled at him.

'Can you heal him?' I asked Guardian.

'I can do more than that'

"Just sit for like 10 seconds" I begged.

"Alright fine"

He sat down and I rushed to get one of my shitty t-shirts that I wouldn't mind losing. It's a pink one that has a horrible v-line with a logo that I do not recognize. I get back to him and wrap the shirt around his bleeding arm.

'Now would be a great time to heal him'

As soon as I say that, my vision blurred a bit and my hands glowed a blue-green colour and I feel all my energy drain from me in seconds. When Kapkan noticed what I was trying to do, he held his arm out to give me a better access. After a couple seconds I pulled my hand away and I would have crumble to the floor if it wasn't for Kapkan's strong arms.

"You OK?" he asked.

"Just a little tiered. Don't worry" I said.

"You should've told me you could heal bullet wounds" he said.

For a second I didn't realize the sound of guns going off in the background, but now it was the only thing I could hear. It's scared me a lot. I don't want my new family to die.

"I didn't know that I could do it 10 minutes ago" I said.

'You never asked me if I could' said Guardian.

'It never came to my mind until today'

"Lie down, you look too tired to stand" said Kapkan.

I nod my head and lie down on my side on the bed. Kapkan took a position at the door and took out a knife and a pistol. A few minutes pass and the shooting outside the door died down a bit. War cries and screams could be heard over the sound of bullets flying. Then I realized something.

'You knew about this'

'Of course I did'

'Why didn't you say something then?'

'Whether I told you or not, they wouldn't believe you. I can see the future, but I need to find the right path to guide you on. It's not as easy as it seems'

'Yeah right...'

I was about to argue with her, but the shooting stopped outside and heavy footsteps that didn't belong to any of my Russian could be heard. Unknown voices talked to each other, and they were getting closer.

'Where are the others?'

'Don't worry about them'

"Hide" whispered Kapkan.

"There's no place to hide in here" I whispered back.

"Then stay behind me"

Moving off the bed in a couple of seconds and positioning myself on the floor, I took out me combat knife to protect me. The door busted open and 5 unknown soldiers came to vue. Kapkan opened fire hitting two in the head and stabbing one in the throat, but the other two pinned him down and knocked him out.

'Why are they not shooting him instead?'

"Package secured" announced one as he got off the unconscious Russian.

'Fuck they're going after me'

The other one walked to the door and signalled to others. The first one spotted me and walked over. He didn't look hostile whatsoever, but I knew better than trust him.

"Don't worry, we're saving you from these savages. You're safe with us"

He offered me his hand and at the door 5 more soldiers appeared.

'Well I'm fucked'

'Let me kill them' said Guardian.


'Just let me take care of this situation'

'Fine, but heal the Russian's if you get the chance'

My vision blurred for the second time today. The soldier in front of me took a step back and raised his rifle, but Guardian was too fast. After she slices off the head of the first, I lost consciousness.

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