Chapter 12

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'Is there something else you want to educate me on?' I asked Guardian.

'Not right now' she answered.

'Oh and by the way, what happened to the clothes bag?'

'They have it. Don't worry'

'OK' I said.

I was slowly waking up again. I could feel that I was on a soft mattress. Blankets as soft as sheep wool where rapped around me.

'Wait, shouldn't I be in a car right now?'

'They didn't want to wake you up, so Sledge carried you inside. You're in one of their beds by the way' said Guardian.

'You didn't have to add that last part but OK'

I opened my eyes. The bedroom that I was in had golden beige walls, a white ceiling and wooden floors. There was a window that brought in a couple of sunbeams from outside. A round shaped lamp hung from the ceiling and a smaller table lamp was position on a nightstand right next to the bed. The bed itself was made of wood and had white wool sheets. There was a small stool standing in the right corner with my clothes bag on it. After scanning the room a bit more, I found a closet and a door. The closet looked small and already had clothes in it, which made it look closed. The door, on the other hand, was opened a bit.

'Let me guess, there's one of them outside the door'

'No' said Guardian.

'Wait, where are they then?'

Guardian didn't answer of course.

I moved the sheets and hopped off the bed. Moving to the door, I could hear voices not to far away. I opened the door. This time I wasn't in a warehouse/base or an apartment. This time I was in a house. An actual house! It had a second floor! I would know because that's where I was right now. To my left and to my right, there was a couple of open doors that lead to other bedrooms. The whole floor was made of wood, even the railing and the stairs. The voices were coming from downstairs.

The second floor opened up to the entry way, so I could see the front door and a hallway leading somewhere but nothing else. I went to the stairs and walked down them. The hallway that I spotted from upstairs lead to a living room. To the right of the hallway, there was a small kitchen. As I got closer to the living room, I could make out small pieces of a conversation.

"She has god-damn super powers! I swear to god! It's not just the mind reading! She punched a fucking hole thru a dudes head!" It sounded like Jäger, but his voice didn't sound quite right. The Brits were probably talking with him thru a phone.

"We know! You wouldn't shut up about it when they left" this time Bandits voice came thru.

"Don't forget the healing powers" I was surprised to hear Kapkans voices.

"Yes! The healing powers!" said Jäger.

There was silence for a bit and I could make out a couple of background noises coming from the phone. It sounded like a cafeteria.

"She might be able to speed up time as well" said Smoke. The Brits were probably scattered around the phone in the living room.

A couple of seconds later, a "SHE CAN WHAT?!" came thru the phone. The voice was distorted, so I couldn't pinpoint the owner.

"Exactly our reaction. Someone should call Six. Maybe we should move her to home base just in case other interested parties come knocking at our door" said Thatcher.

"Seconded" said Glaz.

'Who is Six? Are both the Russian team and German team on the other end of the call?'

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