Chapter 24

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I wake up with a groan and look around. The cargo bay is empty and it looks like we've landed.

"Waky waky Spitfire. We got work to do" said Thermite from outside the cargo bay.

'You have work to do. I don't because I'm not trained yet and blah blah blah blah' I whined mentally.

'Stop acting like a child. Be thankful you're out here in the first place' said Guardian.

'Fine' I replied.

I got up from my seat and walked out of the cargo bay. An FBI truck was waiting outside.

"C'mon, we're wasting time" said Twitch.

She was motioning me to take a seat in the truck. I guess the rest of the team was already inside. Thermite was heading for the driver's seat. I walked over to the truck and climbed in the back where the rest of the team was waiting. I closed the door behind me and Thermite started driving away.

"Are you ready for your first mission?" asked Thatcher.

"Well, it's not really my first mission since I'm not going to be doing anything" I said.

"I wouldn't say that. Your job is important. If anything goes wrong inside, we call you"

I rolled my eyes and said "I doubt you'll need my help"

"You never know what can happen" said Glaz.

I stared out the window, not wanting to continue this conversation. As we drove closer to the house, I began to feel a familiar sensation.

'Something bad is going to happen' I thought. 'Something very bad'

I glanced around at the operators. Scenarios of them getting shot started filling my head. The feeling intensified once we came to a stop in a small neighborhood. Police cars were blocking the road in front of us. Thermite rolled down his window and informed a nearby officer that we work for Rainbow. One cop moved his car and Thermite drove forward. I started to panic as I saw the white two story house.

'Guardian, something's not right' I said.

I looked at the others.

"You guys got this?" I ask.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. This will be easy" said Glaz.

Thermite parked the truck on the left side of the street next to a construction site.

"Alright, everyone out. Twitch, start droning out the place. Glaz, find a sniping position. IQ and Thermite, follow me. Spitfire, stay here" Thatcher said.

We all exited the truck. I moved sat down next to the right side of the car and leaned back on the front tire.

"Roger" said Twitch as she threw one of her drones on the ground.

"Copy" said Glaz as he ran towards a sniping spot.

"Lead the way" said Thermite.

"I'm right behind you" said IQ.

Thatcher started leading the group towards the house, but he looked back at me.

"We'll be done in a couple minutes" he said to me. "Twitch, keep an eye on her for a little bit"


Twitch sat down next to me and started moving her drone. I looked at the small screen she had on her wrist. She moved the drone inside the house. Barbed wire was set up almost everywhere and a couple terrorist were walking around. Twitch moved her small drone up some stairs. I spotted a couple terrorist talking with each other. Twitch then moved the drone to a safe position underneath a bed. Then, she spoke into a walky talky.

"Multiple hostiles on first and second floor"

"Copy that" replied Thatcher from the walky talky.

"I got to go help them out. Stay out of trouble alright?" said Twitch.

"Ok" I said.

She got up started running towards the house. I watched her go until she was out of eyesight. For a couple minutes, I stare at the house. The feeling hasn't disappeared yet. In fact, it was getting worse. My gut was telling me something was very wrong and that I had to move, but I didn't want to move from my spot. Something was keeping me here. It might be because people were counting on me and I didn't want to leave them hanging, but I'm not sure. I continued to stare at the house. Suddenly, I heard gunfire come from the house and I started to worry.

"10 hostiles down" announced Glaz.

I let out a breath and reassured myself that everything is alright.

'You don't need to worry, little one. They will be fine' Guardian said.

'Then why does my gut tell me something is wrong' I said.

'I can't tell you that'

'Of course you can't' I said.

More gunfire was heard from inside.

"5 more down" said IQ.

"Do we have any visual on the remaining hostiles?" asked Thermite.

"Negative" said Twitch.

"I've got nothing" said Glaz.

'What if there is a terrorist behind them? What if he kills all of them?' I thought. 'I have to help'

'They are fine. Don't worry about it' Guardian said.

"Twitch, stay here and drone out the rest of the house. The rest of you, protect her" instructed Thatcher.

'See, they are fine little one. They have been trained for these types of scenarios. Stop worrying'

'Easier said than done' I said.

"Second floor clear" said Twitch after a couple minutes. "First floor clear as well"

"Glaz, keep watch outside in case one of them decide to escape. Twitch, drone out the basement. Thermite, take the hostage. IQ, protect him, I'll stay here with Twitch" said Thatcher.

"Copy that" said Glaz.

'Sounds like they are almost done' I thought. 'But the feeling hasn't left yet. Why?'

'You will see' said Guardian.

'Why can't you just tell me?' I said.

'Because then you'll try to prevent it from happening and you'll change the future. Sometimes to get to the good parts of life, you have to go through hell. Until you learn that, I will not give you the power to see the future' explained Guardian.

'Fair enough'

"Hostage acquired" said Thermite.

"Good, head outside. Twitch, how many of them are downstairs?" asked Thatcher.

"A lot of them" she said. "Damn! They got my drone"

"How many?" Thatcher asked.

"Too many to count" she replied.

"Thatcher, we made it to the extraction point" said IQ.

"Good, we'll need you guys to help us kill the remaining terrorist, so come back inside"

I searched for IQ and Thermite and saw them handing a man over to the cops and running back towards the house.

"Glaz, do you copy?" asked Thatcher.

There was no response. The feeling intensified. Something was very, very wrong.


A couple seconds went by before I heard a familiar voice.

"Your friend can't talk to you right now. Don't worry, he isn't dead... yet"

That one girl (book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora