Chapter 6

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'Not this again' I said.

The nightmarish memories were haunting my dreams again. Red hands, dead body's on the floor, blood, but this time there were new one's added to the old. After what felt like an eternity, my mind cleared and the world around me turned a light shade of blue. I wasn't awake, but I wasn't sleeping.

'Wait, Guardian, what happened?'

'You blacked out again'

'OK, that doesn't explain why my dream stopped'

'I felt your discomfort, so I stopped them'

'You could have done that earlier?'

'Yes' she said plainly.


'I don't have to specify myself'

'Oh for fuck's sake. What is this anyway?'

'The inside of your mind'

'Excuse you, what?' I said dumbfounded.

'This place is the non-physical part of your brain. It's where I stay and it's the place that generates creativity, dreams and your abilities'

'OK, so why didn't you wake me up instead of bringing me here?'

'Because you need to get accustomed to this place so you can use your abilities'

'Why can't you? Why would I use them in the first place? It's not like what happened before is going to happen again, right?'

She didn't answer for a while.

'You still there?' I asked.

"Do you always talk in your sleep?" someone asked.

I felt myself being pushed out of my own thinking space for a little bit than the real world pop back in to vue. Bandit was staring at me from the other end of the small room. A room I didn't recognize. I was on a small bed in the tiniest room I've ever seen. Granted, it was still a nice beige colour from the floor to the ceiling and had nice furniture. Instead of a ceiling light, there was a little fan which was making a small breeze inside the room. Bandit was leaning against a wall right next to the door... still staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You blacked out" he said.

"I'm aware. Where am I?"

"I can't tell you that" he said with a small smile.

I sat up, moving the sheets, and stared at him with my best death stare. I also notice I was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday... well I think it was yesterday.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Three days"

I was surprised that I was out that long, then again it explained why I smelled awful.

"I was technically our fault because we injected you with a knockout juice, so don't be that surprised. Also, there's a bathroom across the hall outside, and we brought your clothes bag" he said before leaving.

Looking around, I could see he was right. The same bag I've seen for the past month was resting a chair in the right corner next to the bed I was in. The rest of the room was filled with cabinets, wardrobes and nightstands. Not too much to make it look bad, but enough to make you feel cramped.

'I smell terrible'

I got up, walked slowly to the bag and picked out my outfit. I picked out a grey hoodie and black sweatpants and headed for the door. Poking my head outside the room, I spotted a couple more doors and one end leaded towards a living space of some kind. Right in front of the room I just came out of, there was another that I was guessing was the bathroom. Opening the door and stepping in, I found it surprisingly bigger than the other room.

After a 10-minute shower, I decided to explore this place. I was getting a bit on edge, seeing as Dominic was the one to greet me instead of one of my Russians. Yes, I said my Russians, deal with it. Heading towards the living space I saw earlier, I could here a couple voices speaking a language I think was German. Taking a few steps further, I could see why.

The four Germans were sitting in a nice Brown leather sofa in front of a TV. Backs turned to me, they didn't notice me creeping over to the kitchen which was on my right. I'm guessing this is an apartment cause one of the walls was completely made of glass and I could see other buildings around us. I would say we aren't that high up. I was distracted for a second by the brightness of this place that I forgot that I couldn't see any of the Russians. I already don't like this.

I opened the fridge, making no noise, and looked at what I could eat. There was literally nothing! Not even a fruit or water! How are...

"You took a shower?" a female voice came from behind me and I froze.

"Yeeeeees" I said while slowly turning around and closing the fridge door.

All four pair of eyes were on me.

"umm... Is there anything that I could eat?" I said.

They looked at each other for a second, then Bandit signalled Jäger to go.

"I'll be back" he said while heading towards the end of the hallway I just emerged from.

"Can someone explain what happened?" I looked at the other three.

"I already told you! You blacked out! I can't tell you anything else" said Bandit.

I was really getting pissed because of him and I really wanted to hit him. Instead, IQ hit him which made me laugh a bit.

"Don't be an ass!" she said then looked at me again. "Amelia, right?"

I nodded.

"Well, the Russian team tolled us to not tell you about what's going on, but seeing that you already knew our names, I'm pretty sure you have an idea of what's happening" she said.

Bandit gave her a death stair and I could practically smell the anger rolling of him. Blitz was just sitting in the corner, doing nothing but watching and listening. These guys didn't wear their uniforms. They looked civilian, but I bet they have hidden guns somewhere.

"Guardian didn't tell me anything about what happened"

"Well you're gonna be living with us for a bit. We brought you back to our place because first of all it's better and secondly, the other one was discovered. We don't know how, but we thought it would be safer for you to stay here" said Blitz.

'Makes sense'

"OK, but where are the Russian team?" I asked.

"On another mission. You'll see them again, don't worry" said IQ.

"They wanted us to ask you how you were able to completely heal them of deadly bullet wounds... and Kapkan wanted to know if you were OK" said Blitz.

"If you get the chance, tell him I'm fine. As for the healing, I really don't know. Guardian takes care of them, not me, and she really doesn't like to be pushed for information. Just know it works, but it drains my energy" I replied.

They all nodded and turned back to chatting in German. Now I just needed to wait for the fourth one to bring back food before I starve to death.

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