Chapter 18

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"May operators Kapkan, Fuze, Glaz, Tachanka, Jäger and Mute come to my office.. and Amelia"

Six's voice rang throughout the base as she announced the names of the operators I was going to train. I was still waiting outside her office with Mute and Glaz. The other Russians were already inside.

As Ash, Vigil and Blitz left Six's office, Jäger appeared behind me.

"What is this about?" he asked.

"You'll see" I said.

Six invited us inside her office and started explaining.

"It has come to my attention that all of you have superpowers" she said.

Jäger looked around the room bewildered.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"It turns out there is a side effect to my healing" I said.

He still felt confused.

"Everyone I heal gets a superpower" I explained.

The room was quiet as we let the German take the information in.

"I knew it!" Jäger finally exclaimed. "I knew there was a side effect! I told you!"

"Yeah, yeah, rub it in later" I said.

"Ok, so what about these superpowers?" the German asked. "I'm pretty sure I don't have one"

"You might not have one yet, but you will. That's why you're here" explained Six.

'We're wasting time' said Guardian.

'Why are you impatient all of a sudden?' I asked her.

'If they don't learn how to use their powers, they could become threats'

'Of course' I said without giving a care in the world.

I felt the mental link open and looked around the room to see if anyone noticed.

'I wonder what kind of power I'll get' I heard Fuze think.

'Hopefully something easy to control' replied Guardian.

"I'm hearing voices" said Jäger.

'I opened up a mental link. You should be able to hear the thoughts of the others, and they can hear yous as well' said Guardian.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" he said, confused as all hell.

"That's Guardian" I said.

'We need to get moving. I don't like the fact the half of you are ticking supernatural time bombs. Let's head outside to practise before one of you blows something up' said Guardian.

Six gave me a look that could only translate to 'you've live with this your whole life?' and I couldn't help but laugh a bit. My new group of supernaturals and me headed outside towards a football field sized training area. It looked like an obstacle course was positioned on the edge of the area and the middle was cleared out as if it was made for spectators.

"So, what are we doing first?" I asked.

'Training Maxim is my first priority' said Guardian.

"Makes sense" I said.

"How are we going to do that?" said Kapkan.

'Simple. Practice generating the flame, then control the flame and thuen practice aiming at a target' said Guardian.

I was walking towards the middle, hoping the others would follow. Once I turned around, I was stunned to find Kapkan holding a mini flame in his hand.

That one girl (book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora