Chapter 16

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It's been over a week or two since I've 'moved in' to Home base. I have my own dorm now. From what I've heard, all the dorms look the same and mine was no exception. Grey walls and a moderate bed. I didn't spend a lot of time in my dorm to really care what it looked like anyways.

I was now walking around the base, waving hello to all the operators I passed by. The sun shined thru the windows. The lounge was where I was heading, because there isn't any other place that really interested me this morning. I'll probably visit the cafe later for some breakfast.

The first time I visited the lounge with the Russians, I didn't notice that the TV's were connected to video game consoles. The second day, if found out how to play certain games. I wouldn't brag, but I was pretty good at video games and that's all I've been doing for the past weeks.

I've also found some time to meet all the operators at the base and a couple 'recruits'. Ash told me their called recruits because they have talent, but not enough to be treated like operators.

As I reached the lounge, I was surprised to see only one other human being in the room. Considering it was a hot spot for small events the operators liked to host, this room had always two or three people talking. The being, on the other hand, was no other than the secluded Korean man that had a tragic past. Vigil. I haven't talk to him since the first day. Come to think of it, I haven't even seen him more than once.

'He likes his space' said Guardian.

'But as Dokkaebi said, he needs to socialize with others' I said.

'Don't do it'

'A normal conversation never hurt anyone'

I walk up behind him. As always, he was looking at his phone, so I tapped his shoulder.

"Hey" I said when he turned around.

He looked at me, a bit stunned I presume.

"Hello" he said after a while.

"What'cha doing?" I said in a friendly tone.

He looked back at his phone without answering my question. Since he was sitting on one of the brown couches, I walked around it and stood in front of him.

'You don't have to annoy him you know?' said Guardian.

'I've socialized with everyone else but him and I want to know more about him' I said.

'He is 34...' started Guardian.

'NO. I want to ask him myself'

I stared at him for about two minutes without moving a muscle.

"What do you want?" he said with a heavy Korean accent.

"I just want to get to know you" I said innocently.

He looked up from his phone. Since he had a mask, I couldn't tell what facial features he was using but I could tell he was a bit pissed off.

"There is nothing interesting about me" he said before looking back at his phone.


'Just find something else to do' said Guardian.

'Fine' I said.

There was an Xbox connected to the big TV, so I went to turn it on and take a controller. The home screen popped up. I found a spot on the other end of the couch that Vigil was sitting on. I launched the game which happened to be GTA 5. It was one of my favourite games because of the amount of different planes that were added to the online version of the game. It also made me realize that flying a plane makes you feel free. I'm still scared of planes don't get me wrong, but something about being able to fly in a digital world made me feel a tiny bit more comfortable about planes.

That one girl (book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant