Chapter 17

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"I still don't understand how you can do that!" I said.

When the Russians gave me a tour of the base, they forgot the art room. Normally I wouldn't really care for an art room, but when I learned of its existence, I immediately thought of Glaz. Ever since we first met, I always wondered if he practises his art somewhere. That somewhere is here. The whole room was covered in nice landscape paintings, and they were all made by the same person. That person is trying to teach me how to paint.

"It's not that hard" said Glaz. "Imagine the image then plan out how you're going to use the canvas space"

Since the rest of the Russians where on a 4-day mission, I decided to join him today and have a little fun.

"It's not hard when you explain it like that, but actually doing it is hard" I said.

He was teaching me how to paint a sunset over the ocean. I had my own canvas next to his as he went step by step to creating a painting. What he didn't know was that he sucked at teaching.

"Oh come on. Just do a line from this point to that point" he said. "And use the ocean blue this time"

He placed two dots on opposite ends of the canvas like he did last time, but he made me restart it because I didn't use the right shade of blue.

'It's important to choose the right colours went your panting' said Guardian.

'Really, you to?' I said.

I started to draw the line with what I hoped was the right shade of blue. Once I finished, I looked back at Glaz.

"Good. Now fill the bottom part of the canvas with the same colour" he instructed.

I did what he told me to do. At this point the canvas was part white, part 'ocean blue'. Jeez, reminds me of Bob Ross.

"K. Now what?" I said.

"Make a semicircle over the line in canary yellow" he said.

I made a face at him.

"Really? Canary yellow?" I said.

"Yes" he said as he picked up a paint can.

"You're starting to sound like Bob Ross"

He looked at me with a confused face.

"Who's that?" he said.

I was stunned.

"You don't know who Bob Ross is?"

He shook his head and gave me a new paintbrush. Apparently canary yellow is just some really bright yellow.

"I'll do some research later" he said. "You finish this painting"


I started painting the semicircle.

'Ok, I know what he's trying to get me to do' I said.

Once I finished, I took a darker shade of blue and started filling in the rest of the canvas.

"Are you do... What are you doing?" asked Glaz.

He reached for the paint brush I was holding, but I moved away.

"I get what you're trying to teach me"

He looked at the canvas then back at me.

"If you think you know how to do it, then I'll let you do it. Remember, if you ever need help I'm right here" he said as he walked back to his canvas.

'Alright, I just have to fill the rest of the canvas with this colour'

'I would love to see your painting later, princess' said Mute.

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