༻ 69, Reunion ༺

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The big day has finally arrived. I was looking forward to see my mother, my sister and our home... After meeting my mother at the Henry Ford Hospital all of my memories returned. I remembered my childhood, my university years, my days in the CyberLife Tower and so on... It was eleven o'clock when I parked the Ranger not so far from the huge park where we had a picnic a few weeks ago. Moments later we were already walking in the shadow of the maple trees on the sidewalk of the Park Avenue.

"Acer rubrum..." Rose whispered the Latin name of the maple tree as she was admiring its red leaves, then finally I also glanced up at the colorful leaves.

Sync in progress... Sync done... Collecting data... Processing data; Red maple – Acer rubrum.

"Are you wearing the contact lens?"

"Mhm..." for a few seconds everything went silent around us, then Rose gently grabbed my hand. "Is everything alright?" she asked me. Probably she felt that I'm a bit nervous.

"Sure." I answered simply. As soon as we reached the brownstone style house we went up on the five stair treads which was decorated with wrought iron railings, then finally I knocked on the front door. At that moment my heart started beating faster.

"Hello! I've been waiting for you." my mother greeted us with a huge smile after she opened the door. "Come in!"

"Thank you!" once we entered the hallway I helped Rose to remove her jacket, then I also got rid of my jacket. Once I hung the jackets up on the wall hanger I heard a familiar voice coming from the dining room. I instantly recognized my sister's cheerful voice. She was talking to someone.

"I didn't tell Lia what happened in the hospital, so your presence will be a huge surprise for her." my mother remarked in a whisper, making me smile. Lia loved the surprises more than anything. "LIA!"

"Yes, Mom?"

"You have visitors."

"That's why have five plates on the table instead of three?" Lia asked back with a laugh as she walked to the hallway, but as soon as my little sister saw me she froze.

"Hello, Lia!" I greeted her with a sincere smile as the joyful tears appeared in her chocolate brown eyes. She didn't say anything. Instead, she ran to me and pulled me into a super tight embrace. 'My little sister...' Seconds later she was still crying, but soon our gaze met again.

"I can't believe that you're here! Please, tell me it's not just a dream."

"This is the reality, Lia. I'm really here." I answered, making her smile, then she glanced at Rose who was unfamiliar for her. "Lia, this is Rose. My fiancée..." I introduced her. As I excepted, my sister froze. Again, in the good way...

"Hello, Lia! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Oh, my God... It's very nice to meet you, Rose!" and with that Rose handed her her birthday gift which was in a golden colored envelope.

"Happy birthday!"

"Thank you so much!" once my sister opened the envelope and read the invitation she froze again, then looked at us with sparkling eyes. "You gotta be kidding me!" she cried out with a huge smile on her face.

"No." I reassured her, returning her smile. "Rose asked Mr Evans, the director of the Museum of Modern Art, to have some of your paintings be part of the next exhibition in June. And since Mr Evans completely trusts Rose's art judgment, he said yes without hesitation"

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now