༻ 3, Today is a special day ༺

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The next morning I woke up earlier than I expected. Much earlier... Of course, this didn't cause confusion in my daily routine. I climbed out of my bed, quickly took a refreshing shower and then I went to the kitchen, only wearing my black satin robe and undergarments. I quickly fed Shasta, then made my own breakfast as well. Once I finished eating I hurried back to my bedroom. 'Today is the day, Rose...', I said to myself. Was this really a big day? I didn't know yet... I only relied on my intuitions as I mentioned it to Markus too the previous day. Minutes later I was still searching in my wardrobe and finally I decided to wear my favorite clothes. My favorite piece was a white strapless knee length dress which decorated with red roses and pale green leaves. This was accompanied by a black leggings, a pair of dark chocolate brown long leather boots and my black leather jacket. I loved this combination, so I was wearing it almost every day.

After getting dressed I walked to my nightstand and picked up two fabulous jewelry

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After getting dressed I walked to my nightstand and picked up two fabulous jewelry. Both of the jewelry meant a lot to me. One of them was a midnight blue quartz crystal necklace, hanging on a black leather thread. It was hiding a memory which has determined many things in my life. The other one was a sapphire silver ring which I received from my mother and it used to belong to my grandmother. As I was standing in front of the huge mirror on the wall of my room I made my usual makeup. I used black and lilac colors, as always... Finally, I brushed my long golden brown hair which was slightly curly at the bottom. As I looked at my reflection one more time I saw the enthusiasm and the determination in my moss green colored eyes. With an honest smile on my face I went downstairs to the hallway where I picked up my backpack, then finally I left the house...

Although, it was already autumn, almost in the middle of October, the morning air was still warm and refreshing. Moreover, I left the house much earlier than usual, so I decided to walk instead of driving. I arrived to the police station ten minutes earlier than usually. As I entered the building I immediately greeted my coworkers, then walked straight to my desk which was directly between my uncle's desk and Captain Fowler's office. 'Detective Rosalie Anderson', written on my engraved nameplate. I put down my backpack next to my desk, then logged into the system on my terminal, but as soon as this happened I heard a familiar voice. 'Captain Fowler...'

"Rose! In my office, now!" within moments I stood up from my swivel chair, then I immediately rushed to the glass-walled private office, from where most of DPD areas were visible. Though I didn't have time to take off my jacket, but the truth is that I didn't even want to. I sat down on the chair in front of Captain Fowler's desk, then I was waiting patiently. "I'm getting right to the point... As you know, you've been officially assigned all cases involving deviant androids. Partly because you asked for it yourself, partly because you are my best detective in DPD." he said. Once the words left his mouth I started to panic. 'Maybe he want to take me off the case? I worked for years at the homicide division. I got the android cases only a few months ago and is he already want to take me off the case?' I was hoping it was not for this reason he called me to his office. If so, then God save him from my anger...

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now