༻ 6, The truth is inside ༺

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It was already midnight when the interrogation was still in progress. Hank had been interrogating the deviant for almost half an hour, but he refused to speak. He didn't even look up at the lieutenant who was sitting in front of him. He stared at the table between his chained hands, shaking slightly.

"Why d'you kill him? What happened before you took that knife? How long were ya in the attic? Why didn't you even try to run away?... Say something, goddamnit!" there was no any answer. The interrogation seemed meaningless, so finally he gave up. "Fuck it, I'm outta here..." he said, then stood up from the table and left the room, so he could join the others who were on the other side of the two-sided mirror. "We're wasting our time interrogating a machine, we're getting nothing out if it!" he continued the grumbling, then sat down next to Chris.

"He... Not it..." Rose growled in a whisper.

"Could always try roughing it up a little." Gavin advised with a cocky grin. It was a well-known fact that Gavin hated the androids and he enjoyed their suffering. "After all, it's not human."

"Androids don't feel pain." Connor informed him. "You would only damage it and that wouldn't make it talk. Deviants also have a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations."

"Okay, smartass." he spoke up again as he walked closer to the others, then continued speaking in a phlegmatic tone. "What should we do then?"

"I could try questioning it." Connor suggested, then Gavin let out a pathetic laugh as if he had heard one of the world's worst ideas

"Fuck off, Reed!" Rose growled in a highly aggressive tone. In response, Gavin stepped closer to the girl, ignoring her personal space.

"Do you fear for your little plastic pet?" the two detective almost began fighting with each other, but Hank intervened in time.

"What do we have to lose? Go ahead, suspect is all yours." he said, giving a permission.

"Good luck, Connor!" Rose wished all the best, then watched as his partner left the room and finally entered the other room on the other side of the mirror. In the beginning Connor didn't say anything. Within a few moments he checked the photographs in the folder, then sat down in front of the deviant and began analyzing him.

Sync in progress... Sync done... Collecting data... Processing data; Model HK400 - Housekeeper. Manufacture date: 05/29/2030. Property of: Carlos Ortiz.

Sync in progress... Sync done... Collecting data... Processing data; Hit marks - Non critical damage level 2. Caused by baseball bat.

Sync in progress... Sync done... Collecting data... Processing data; Dried blood - DNA analysis: Carlos Ortiz. Sample date: >19 days.

Sync in progress... Sync done... Collecting data... Processing data; Burn marks - Repeated marking over 16 months. Caused by cigarettes.

Sync in progress... Sync done... Collecting data... Processing data; Processing LED - Signs of software instability. Probability of self-destruction: Low.

"My name is Connor... What about you? What's your name?" he finally began the interrogation in a friendly voice, but the deviant didn't answer. "I detect and instability in your program. It can trigger an unpleasant feeling, like fear in humans." the seconds seemed to be endless, but the deviant refused to answer. "Listen, I know you've been through a lot, but you need to help me understand what happened. I'm here to help you. But you've got to trust me." Connor's words were followed again by the silence. "You don't seem to understand the situation. You killed a human. They'll tear you apart if you don't say something." he continued, but now in a less friendly tone. "If you won't talk, I'm going to have to probe your memory."

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now