༻ 28, Secrets of the past ༺

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The next day I woke up with a strange feeling. All morning I was thinking about what happened in the last few days. Everything was so peaceful and calm. I forgot about the problems, the bad memories, the dark side of the world. I focused only on the happy moments, but today the illusion is over... It was about ten o'clock in the morning when someone knocked on the front door. I hurried to the hallway and when I opened the door I was greeted by a young woman who was about twenty eight years old. She was Victoria's aunt and we were already waiting for her. To be honest, I immediately recognized her, because of her beautiful ocean blue eyes.

"Good morning!" she greeted me politely. "Hope I'm in the right place... My name is Hannah Holmes, I'm Victoria Walker's aunt. And you must be Rosalie Anderson."

"Yes, it's me. I'm pleased to meet you, Miss Holmes!"

"Please, just call me Hannah." she said with a small chuckle at the end. I met her only a few seconds ago, but I already liked her.

"As you wish, Hannah. And you can just call me Rose." I added, returning her smile. "Please, come in!" I said to our guest, then led her to the living room. Connor and Victoria were sitting at the dining table, while the dogs were watching them from the floor.

"Well, well... Here's my favorite niece."

"Hannaaaaah!" Victoria cried out as soon as she saw her aunt, then ran to her without hesitation and greeted her with a huge hug. "Connor and I are making animals from chestnuts and toothpicks. I already made two hedgehog and a horsey." she explained, while Connor joined us, then a few minutes later we were already sitting on the couch and drinking tea. Well, only Hannah and I, since Connor and Victoria continued playing with the chestnut figurines.

"I still can't believe what happened..." Hannah said with a small sigh after I told her everything, then she took a sip of her tea. "You know, I visited Sarah and her husband very often, more often after Victoria was born. They were a perfect family... But then, in the last two or three years, my sister's husband went completely crazy. Lucas started using illegal drugs, then he was fired from his work and he became addicted. He became aggressive and he abused my sister several times... I told Sarah to move to my home with Victoria and Benjamin, but she didn't want to leave her husband. She thought that Lucas was still a good man in the deep of his heart, but she was wrong... That's what killed her..."

"I'm really sorry for your loss..." I said, stroking the husky puppy who was sleeping in my lap. "I know what it feels like to lose someone we love. That's why we need to appreciate what we have..."

"Yes, that's true..." Hannah agreed with a tiny smile on her face. "Now Victoria have to learn how to continue her life without her parents and her best friend..." she added as we were watching the happy little girl. "I'm grateful for everything you've done for her!"

"We were glad to help!" I answered honestly, returning her smile.

"Hannah! Guess what happened! Connor taught me how to ride a bike without training wheels!" Victoria said to her aunt, then together with Connor they joined us on the couch. "And he helped me collect chestnuts and bake a cake... And he makes the most delicious breakfast in the world!" the little girl's kind words instantly made us laugh.

"You know, I spend most of my time in Detroit and I work from home on my laptop, so I will have enough time for Victoria. However, sometimes I have to travel, because of the foreign conferences. Would you like to look after her when I'm not in Detroit?" she asked us. Connor's gaze immediately met with mine, then our lips curled into a big smile. We knew exactly the answer...

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now