༻ 39, The night of the soul ༺

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As I woke up I was listening to the echoing of whispers, while a pleasant warmth spread in my entire body. I glanced up at Connor who was holding me in his arms. He was lost in his thoughts as he was staring around at the dark hall of the cathedral. Following his gaze, I saw two familiar faces in the distance. They were Kara and Alice, but Luther wasn't with them. Although, the hope was slight, I was hoping that maybe he had survived the attack and they just got separated from each other. Finally, I glanced back at Connor.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, pulling him back into reality.

"I'd like to apologize to them..." he replied in a whisper. Seconds later I stood up from his lap, he also stood up, then finally we went to them. Kara was sitting on one of the benches and hugging Alice, then as soon as we stopped in front of them they looked up at us. "I thought I'd killed you on that highway..." Connor started with sincere regret, holding my hand. "I'm sorry I put your lives in danger... I was just a machine... Taking orders... It wasn't really me..." I instantly saw the smile on Kara's face and it meant that she has been forgiven to the deviant hunter. "What are you gonna do now?"

"Getting Alice away from here is all that matters now." Kara answered. "We have to catch the last bus. We might still have a chance to cross the border."

"I hope you make it out safely! You deserve some happiness after all you've been through..." Connor wished all the best, then we left them alone. As we were walking back toward the stone bench I noticed another familiar face among the deviants. 'Josh...'

"I'll be right back." Connor nodded in response, then once he let go of my hand I headed to Josh. He was staring thoughtfully into nothingness, leaning against the cold wall with crossed arms. Although, he didn't look up from the ground, but he knew it was me.

"If it weren't for you I'd be dead... Thanks to you I might see our people free one day..." he stated with a tiny, yet honest smile, then finally looked at me. "Our blood isn't the same color, but I know that we're fighting for the same thing..." after that Josh joined the others, then I also returned to Connor and sat down next to him on the bench. I instantly noticed that he couldn't stop looking at me. His beautiful chocolate brown eyes were reflecting many emotions as he was staring deep into my moss green eyes. I was about to open my mouth to speak, but at that moment he gently stroked my face, then finally kissed me. Connor pampered me with a long and passionate kiss, then as soon as our lips left each other our gaze met again.

"This was the first time I kissed you as a deviant..." he whispered as we smiled at each other. "Our kiss was so different... My feelings are a thousand times stronger than ever..." once the words left his lips he kissed me again, then I deepened the kiss as he pulled me into his lap. In the next few minutes we were cuddling on the bench, waiting for Markus' return, but then suddenly a question came to my mind.

"I still don't understand how the hell the FBI found us..."

"Almost certainly that was my fault. Before I became deviant my tracker was working." Connor replied with a deep sigh. "I'm so sorry, Rose! I should have woken up sooner and th-"

"It's not your fault!" I cut him off as I gently stroked his face and made him to look at me. Finally I pressed my lips against his and our kiss was followed by our smiles. "So... No more mission?" I asked him with a small chuckle, indicating that from now on he's his own master.

"You're my mission, Rose... To protect you and to make you happy..." he confessed, then pulled me into a tight embrace. I almost forgot about all our problems when we noticed a familiar android who was sitting next to North on a bench.

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now