༻ 15, A rainy night ༺

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When I opened my eyes I found myself in the Zen Garden again, but something has changed. The sky was dark and cloudy and everything was covered with a gloomy veil. I didn't hear the singing of the wild birds nor the chirping of the crickets. Everything was suppressed by the sound of the autumn rain... Ignoring the rainstorm, I went to the other side of the garden where Amanda was waiting for me.

"Hello, Amanda!"

"Connor... I've been expecting you." she returned my greeting with a friendly smile. "Would you mind a little walk?" as soon as I opened my black umbrella we headed to the bridge with slow steps. "Congratulations, Connor! You managed to find that deviant. Did you manage to learn anything?" Amanda asked about my previous case. Of course, I honestly responded, since it was my job.

"The walls of the apartment were covered with drawings of labyrinths and other symbols. Like the other deviants, it seemed obsessed with rA9." I started, then I remembered the pigeons as well. "And it was fascinated by birds. We've seen deviants interested in other lifeforms like insects or pets, but nothing like this..."

"What else?"

"Miss Anderson found its diary, but it was encrypted. It may take weeks to decipher." I added, then my words was followed by silence, but finally Amanda broke it.

"You came very close to capturing that deviant. It's a pity you let it self-destruct..." she said as she let out a disappointed sigh.

"I made a mistake... It said rA9 save me before it jumped. I should have anticipated what it would do... I knew deviants had a tendency to self-destruct under extreme stress, but I didn't expect it to jump from the roof." I admitted. I had no excuse.

"How is your relationship with the Lieutenant and the Detective developing?" Amanda asked her next question. She already knew that Lieutenant Anderson also was assigned to the deviant cases.

"It's improving." I replied honestly. "I've come to understand him better, and he's growing accustomed to my presence. And he seemed grateful that I saved his life on the roof. He didn't say anything, but he expressed it in his own way... About Miss Anderson, I have her trust. And to be honest, she is the driving force of the investigation." we almost reached the end of the bridge when Amanda suddenly stopped, then glanced at me. There was some impatience in her gaze.

"We don't have much time! Deviancy continues to spread. It's only a matter of time before the media finds out about it... We need to stop this, whatever it takes! Nothing matters more than your investigation..."

"I will solve this investigation, Amanda! I won't disappoint you!" I said firmly.

"A new case just came in. Find the Andersons and investigate it!" she ordered, then leaving me behind Amanda disappeared in the rain... When I opened my eyes I found myself sitting at my desk again. Exactly where I was before consulting with Amanda. I looked around at the office, but Rose wasn't there anymore. In the recent hours she was studying the old notebook, but probably she finished the reading, so she took it to the archive room. Standing up from my chair, I went after her and as soon as I entered the basement I instantly found her. Rose was staring at one of the deactivated deviant's damaged body. She was lost in her deep thoughts. What's more, she didn't even notice my presence. Or did she?

"He was already deactivated when he was brought in here a few months ago..." Rose's calm voice broke the endless silence, while she was staring at the PL600. It was badly damaged. "His name was Daniel... According to the reports, he wanted to jump off the roof with a little girl. I wish I could know what was his final thought before he shut down..." my partner whispered the rhetorical question. I knew exactly the answer, because I was there.

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now