✺ Why her? (Part 3) ✺

Start from the beginning

CEO-nim was in disbelief. The group had been progressing so well lately, but he had no idea of Luna's condition. He had no idea she had formed a limp from her injury and couldn't dance well because of her socks covering her bandages. He had no idea of Luna's bruise on left cheek, because she was covering it with a face mask. He had no idea how dull Luna's eyes were because she wore a hat. He had no idea how the girl's had been treating Luna. He had no idea how the boy's had been treating Luna.

When CEO-nim asked why, Luna smiled bitterly but said, "I would like a break, full of silence." He took it as a break from the group, and although hesitant, he told Luna he would respect her decision. Her past contract was about to expire in a couple days, and she politely denied to sign the 7 year contract. He had to let her go, and respect her decision.

"Did you tell the other members?" He asked as she signed her denial.

"I don't think they'd care right now, you can tell them for me." Luna said in a soft tone, and closed the door behind her as she stepped out of his office. With a final "goodbye".


Namjoon got the call first. When he saw "Bang PD-nim" on his cell ID, he panicked but tried to keep composed for the phone call. A phone call he wasn't expecting.

"I'm sorry this is late Namjoon-ah. Are the other members available to speak on the phone now?" CEO-nim asked and Namjoon bit his lip in uncertainty. The 3 couples were downstairs hanging out in the living room having a "triple date movie marathon". Hoseok left a while ago to get some food supplies with Jin, and Yoongi....

The sound of his door opening startled Namjoon, and there stood Yoongi. Namjoon motioned his hyung over with the wave of his hand, and Namjooned cleared his throat.

"Yoongi-hyung is with me now PD-nim, the other members are currently...occupied."

"Ah well, I just wanted to ask...how is Luna doing?" At that question, the two felt their faces drop and anguish flooding through their veins.

"S-She's fine." But neither of them knew. "She's in her room resting I think."

"Oh she made it home that fast? She left my office about 30 minutes ago." PD-nim sounded surprised on the other line, and the two members looked at each in surprise. She left her room? "Anyway I came to tell you news. Sadly, Luna..." PD-nim's next words caused Yoongi to run out of the room in denial and Namjoon to almost drop his phone in heartbreak.

"...is leaving Bangtan."

"LUNA!" Yoongi roared as he opened the door to her room only to find it empty. He frantically searched the room and her bathroom but found no trace of her. He needed to find her, he needed to ask her.

Yoongi stormed down the steps and shouted at the 3 youngest members. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"

Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook were scared and confused. Yoongi came up to the closest member, which happened to be Taehyung, and punched him in the face. The girls screamed in fear and the other two member's tried to break up the fight. Yoongi continued to shout and swing his arms, and finally Jungkook separated him from the rest.

"Hyung! What the hell-!"

"SHE'S LEAVING, AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" Yoongi continued to shout, and he glared at the girls. "You better watch your back bitches. I KNOW YOU DID SOMETHING TO HER!" He growled at them and went for Jimin this time. The one to hold Yoongi back was Namjoon, and a worried Jin and Hoseok who had just walked in.

It was chaos, everyone was screaming at each other. Everyone was going off until-

"STOP!" At Luna's shout, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her. Fully looked at her. It broke Yoongi to see her in this state...skinny, pale, sickly-looking, and with a bruise on her cheek. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook felt as if a bullet went through them looking at her state.

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