A Little Easier Please?! *8*

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Will's Point Of View

I was lost for words. She was okay! She made it through surgery! Shia's mom pushed her a little closer to my bed. The next thing I knew, she was jumping out of her wheelchair towards me. I opened my arms but she never fell into them. A shriek of true agony filled the room. Shia flopped back into the wheelchair as her mom and Dillon's hands lurched towards her to attempt to catch her, but they failed.

I suddenly saw a dark, red, and thick substance seep through her hospital gown on her side. I knew instantly what had happened, she busted her stitches.

"We need a doctor! Help!" Kelson shrieked. Obviously she was back from breakfast.

Dr. Beil came running in the room. "She pulled apart her stitches. Get her back in the room; she may have busted the internal ones as well." He spat at the nurse.

"Mom, I'm fine see," she said placing her hand on her wounded side, coming up with an immense amount of blood on it, "Can't I stay here?" she pleaded, reaching her hand out to me and looking at me with pain and possibly the thought of death. At that moment with all the blood I knew she busted her internal stitches, I also knew it would be one of the saddest in my life.

The nurse wheeled her away. I looked over at Dillon, we didn't really hang out in middle school, but since Shia and I had been best friends I had hung out with him at her parties and sometimes just to be there. Now I knew that he honestly cared for her, I could tell because he was on the floor praying. The one person who could defiantly not come through that door was Lorain. She would break down. I would have, but I needed to be strong.

The nurse pulled her back into the hallway and my heart dropped as I lost sight of her, just as the other doctor pricked me with a needle. Then I was out cold.

Shia's Point Of View

"Okay, let me see the damage." Dr. Biel said pulling up the blood soaked gown. "Doesn't look like you busted the internal stitches, but I just don't see why you're bleeding so badly. "Oh my goodness. Mrs. Livingston are you certain who did her stitches, if I'm correct, nurse Marshall did?"

My mom gave a sheepish look and replied, "Yes, It was him."

"Ma'am, the stitches were never knotted or even fully sewn. We have problem, you may need to sue." He said.

Marshall, were did I know that name. I wasn't sure, but it made me feel angry.

A Little Easier...Please?!Where stories live. Discover now