A Little Easier... Please?! *12*

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"Will I thought I could move but I can't now. I won't leave Mason, no way. He is like my brother." I promised.

"You don't have too." I heard Mason say as he turned me around and I saw the bags in his arms. "I am moving too. You didn't think I would let my best friend in the whole wide world leave without me did you?"

"Well I sure hoped not! Thank you so much!" I screeched.

"Will helped too." He replied. I pulled them both into a hug and crushed them in my arms.

The rest of the time we danced and ate, some of my friends cried and some laughed about the great times we had shared. This time I wasn't getting mad or crying I was ready to move if I had to. Maybe it was because I was tired of resisting it. 

"Hey girl I'm going to the restroom." I said to one of my best friends Lacy. I walked to the restroom and on the wall right on the other side of it I saw Will, Mason, and Dillon talking. I winked at them while rounding the corner to the dark hallway of restroom.

Suddenly a hand came from sort of behind and the side and wrapped around my neck. Figuring it was Will I said, "Cut it out." But the grip tightened it soon became a little hard to breathe and I realized it was not Will.

"Don't you dare scream I swear to God I will kill your family and friends in front of you." Someone whispered in my ear. It was Marshall.

I absolutely hated it when people swore to God. "Don't swear to God!" I whispered back harshly. "And you don't have to worry about me screaming."

I stepped forward with him still around me and then slammed his back against the wall as hard as I could. He let his grip go just enough that I thought I could run to Will. I was wrong. Marshall bounced up, grabbed my left leg, I feel to the floor. He tried to pull me to him but I grabbed the edge of the wall and pulled the opposite way. I wasn't sure if I could get away but all I could try was one last thing. I relaxed, he pulled up on my leg just as I had hoped, giving me just enough slack to kick him in the face extremely hard. I thought I was free, but I was wrong yet again.

He didn't let go, he just tightened his hold on my leg and pulled me to him. My stomach burned from sliding across the rough carpet. Marshall flipped me over so I was on my back, then he straddled me with his knees on the floor. "You are so hot, and you're all mine. That guy out there, the one your with, he doesn't love you. When I came in I saw him making out with the girl with the short shorts on and the pink strip in her hair. They were in the back outside.

I contemplated this, and I wasn't sure because Will did have a track record of doing things like this. But I put it in the back of my mind because I knew if I let it get to me Marshall would be able to control me.

I managed to pull my right hand free and hit him in the nose. I once again got free, and crawled for the exit. Marshall yet again, grabbed me by my leg, I wondered how many times this event would repeat itself. He pulled me back underneath him, just as he began to lower his face towards mine; I looked up to see Lorain and Dillon coming into the bathroom making out. They broke free to see me on the floor with Marshall. Dillon must have noticed right off the bat because the next thing I knew Marshall was flying off of me.

"Lorain go get Will and my parents," she must have been in shock because she didn't budge at my orders, "Lorain, NOW!" I bellowed at her.

She took off and I lurched over to Dillon and Marshall fighting. I wanted to help Dillon, but I wasn't sure what I could do. Marshall turned Dillon around and pushed him against the wall. That was an opportunity calling my name.

I ran as fast as I could and jumped on Marshall's back and poked him right in his eyes. He stumbled back a few feet and we both landed on the ground with him on top of me and my legs still around his waist.

A Little Easier...Please?!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora