A Little Easier...Please?! *15*

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  • Dedicated to to the wonderful vacation that helped me write this

“Will please let me drive.” I pleaded.

                “Shia, I’m fine can’t we just stay like this for at least another hour or two.” He said lifting up our hands that were intertwined and kissed mine. “Really, that way you only have to drive four hours.”

                “You’ve drove five more hours than you had to.” I said bluntly. It was silent for a while and then I randomly asked, “Are you going to miss Texas? Are you gonna miss Kayleigh?”

                He looked at me and hung his head, then yanked the car into the shoulder of the road. His phone vibrated. It was from Dillon, Will read the text to me. What are you doing kimosobi? He text back, I’m trying to prove how I feel about Shia.

                “Shia, yes I miss Texas, but I think we can handle Florida and I think it’ll be fun. Why do you keep on bringing up old news? Do you remember what I told you after your party? I don’t want to say it again, but I will because I’ll do anything to prove my love to you. I have absolutely no feelings for her, I’m not even friends with her .I want you to trust me.” His voice was serious and flat.

                “I’m sorry, Will. I do trust you, you calmed down for me. I love you.” I said I felt ashamed of myself. It was a sensitive subject for both of us, and in all actuality he was innocent. He only seemed guilty to me because he had a record of cheating on girls.

                Usually after these talks we would kiss for a while but this time we couldn’t for two reasons, one our parents and everyone else was parked on the shoulder either ahead of us or behind us staring out of their window and two this time all Will said was, “Shia, you can’t keep doing this to. You’ve gotta trust me.”

                He started the car and pulled on to the road and everyone else followed. I was actually surprised he didn’t kiss me, and I turned my head and looked out of the window.

                Will drove for another hour then I got a text from my mom saying we were stopping at a McDonalds.

The cashiers took our orders and we sat down in the red and yellow seats. At one table it was me, Will, and Lorain and the table across from us was Dillon, Kelson, and Mason. The parents were sitting in a booth in the corner. Trista, Mason’s little sister came and sat on my lap. She looked up at me and I saw a big smile plastered on her face. “What’s so funny?” I asked her.

“I heard William talking to Mason and he said,” for some reason unknown she always called Will, William, “he said.” She stammered almost as if unsure to go on. I nodded my head at her reassuringly. “Well he said how much he loves this girl and he can’t stop thinking about her. He also said that he made the wrong choice by going out with the other girl.”

My heart skipped a few beats and instantaneously tiny beads of sweat formed on my hairline. Will was in love with Kayleigh and he thought he made the wrong choice by going out with me the day at the hospital. A rush of stupidity hit me like a freight train, all that time I had been right, always accusing Will of liking her and he could sit there and lie to me each time. I thought back to the car ride earlier this morning when Will didn’t kiss me. I guessed it was because he couldn’t keep on pretending to love me anymore.

Trista looked up at me confused, “Isn’t that good?” she asked her voice barely audible, knowing she had shared too much this time. Tears began to fill the rims of my eyes, just they were about to spill over Mason came and squeezed my shoulder.

“Trista hop up, me and Shia have to get something out of the car.” He said in a flat tone. Mason practically picked me up out of the chair, pulled me through the door, and behind my car. The glint from the sun shined brightly off the car. “What did she tell you?” he questioned in a stern voice. I collapsed into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me. I was 5’7 but was for how tall he was he made me feel  short, but not like Will made me feel when he hugged me, Mason and I would never have romantic feelings for each other.

“She said that Will was in love with someone and he couldn’t get his mind off her.” I said and then took a huge gulp of air to regain my breath.

“Shia how is that bad?” he asked tilting my head up to look him in the eyes.

*Will’s Point of View*

I was so confused. One second Trista was on Shia’s lap whispering very quietly in her ear, the next mason was rushing her out of the door. Before I could ask any questions they were outside and Shia was wrapped up in his arms. I looked around to see if any of the parents had noticed, they didn’t seem to have. When I glanced back outside I was pretty sure Mason was about to kiss Shia, he had her chin in his hand tilted towards his face and for my hands, well they were already yanking open the door to the parking lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2011 ⏰

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