A Little Easier...Please?! *6*

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  • Dedicado a Kelson

I had to make up something as to why I would be laying on Will.

"Okay Will your blankets are fixed now, I'm gonna go find everyone. Bye!" I blurted out just as Kayleigh walked in. "Okay, thanks." Will said.

I continued running down the hallway frantically searching for my friends. I rounded the corner and smacked right into Dillon. "Whoa Shia, one guy at a time." He said while getting off the floor and then helping me up. "Wait, what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Shia, they make windows in hospital doors now. Could Will be the reason that your hair looks like you just went sky diving?" Kelson questioned. "We saw ya'll, and you're lucky we stalled Kayleigh for you.

"Oh thank you guys so much!" I said pulling them into a hug. "Okay well Dillon and I didn't eat breakfast so can we have your keys?" Kelson asked. "Yeah treat her good she's my baby." I said reaching into my pocket. I froze. "My keys are in my bag...in Will's room." I stated. "So what? Go in there. I still can't believe you left her alone with your man anyways." Lorain alleged.

I turned around and walked until we got to room 337. "Come on Shia we're right behind you." Dillon said. I peeked into the window and saw Kayleigh sitting on the end of his bed talking. I opened the door and confidently waked to my bag.

"What are you doing here and why do you have bags?" she asked. "Well I'm staying with Will while he gets better and plus I'm about to give him a kidney." I replied bluntly. "Then why don't you have a bed made?" she asked sounding a little defeated. "Oh funny you ask, that's because I've been sleeping in his bed with him." I halfway screamed. Her jaw dropped. "Well that's too bad because I'll be sleeping there tonight. Right Will?"Kayleigh alleged. This was Will's time to decide if he wanted me or her. I would understand if he didn't pick me, but I hoped he did pick me.

Will responded immediately, "Hell no you won't! I want Shia by my side for the rest of my life just like she has been all along; you never have been there for me Kayleigh. You didn't even come to the wreck and on top of that I've been in the hospital two days and you still haven't asked if I would be okay. If it wasn't for Shia I would be dead tomorrow." He said sitting up and screaming at her.

I turned around and looked at Dillon, Lorain, and Kelson standing in the doorway laughing uncontrollably. Once again everything was funnier when Will said it, not that the expression on Kayleigh's face didn't help.

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