A Little Easier...Please?! *14*

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Shia's Point of View




                "Hello?" asked Will waking me from my sleep.

                "Uh..Hey." I replied a little confused at why he would wake me just to say hello.

                He looked at me and cocked his head to the side. Then I realized that he was on the phone and my cheeks flushed red. He burst out laughing. "Shut up!" I said jokingly while punching him in the arm. "Where are we anyways?" I questioned noticing it was daylight.

                "Well now that you have slept three hours solid, its 7:00, and were in Mississippi." He stated bleakly. 

                "Are you trying to make me feel guilty?" I asked offensively.

                "Yeah, I'm jealous that you get to sleep while I have to drive. I'm also trying to make you feel guilty right after I told you I loved you and that no one including me would hurt you," he said sarcastically with a menacing sideways grin on his face, "You're cranky because you just woke up. Get some more sleep kid."

                "Oh so now I'm a kid? I'm older than you, my friend." I said cockily.

                "Friends? I think I like the term boy-." He got cut off mid sentence by a noise from the phone. "Oh sorry Mom. Now what did you need?"

                I could hear here talking back.

"That's alright, but only because y'all are too cute!" she said in a voice that someone would use when they were talking to a puppy. "You would have known a little sooner, but well you know why, but we are stopping to eat breakfast at Cracker Barrel."  

                "Okay, Mom were following you. Bye." He replied.

                I hit him in the arm. "What?" he asked surprised.

                "You didn't say I love you." I said.

                "Oh uhh.. sorry I love you." He stated looking confused.

                "Not me. Your mom!" I shouted back laughing.

                The last words I had to say to both of my parents was I love you, always. My friends laughed all the time about me telling my mom everything, but that's what I felt was right. My mom was my ultimate best friend, and because I was always honest my mom let me do a lot of things other teenagers couldn't. I was allowed to cuss in reason since I was twelve, which my friends found amazing. As a joke Kelson, Dillon and I would always get in the car and start cussing randomly, and my mom would laugh. I missed those days. Now, I was moving because I had some stalker constantly on my back, but I knew God wouldn't give me any crisis I couldn't handle.

                Two miles later we pulled into a Cracker Barrel. After we had all parked and had been showed to our table my mom cleared her throat and looked up at us all. "The parents and authorities have been talking and we have to put ya'll through yet another," she stumbled to get her words out, "um problem. As soon as we reach Miami we are going to unpack and re-pack," everyone gave her curious looks, "Texas authorities notified Florida authorities and they will stake out our new house ensuring that Marshall didn't follow us, so you guys will go on a 'vacation' and so will we. The only thing is we will all be in different places to throw off Marshall just in case he did follow us."

                All of a sudden Kelson jumped out of her chair and interrupted my mom. "This isn't making any sense. I'm tired of being tossed in different directions. Mrs. Savannah and Mr. Scott," she said pointing at my parents, "are just trying to make us comfortable and it's not working, and you mom, don't care what Dillon does, you used to be so strict on us both but now he can make out with Lorain whenever. Shia and Will are always together and she doesn't have time for me. And if we wouldn't be in this shit if Shia wasn't such a freaking ho! Lorain and Mason are both stuck up. All the boyfriends and girlfriends are together and I'm the black sheep." She burst out and started to run to the bathroom, before she could take a few steps Lorain was out of her chair and had grabbed Kelson's arm.

                "I don't know who you think you are, number one all of our parents are trying to make this the best they can, number two Shia and Will are in love practically, and she is not a ho. Then there's me and Dillon were in 12th grade, it's okay to make out in reason and it's okay to be in love! If you haven't noticed Mason doesn't have a girlfriend, you're exploding for no reason."

                Kelson walked back to her seat and sat down. I noticed she had tears forming in the bottom of her green eyes.

                My mom continued before any other odd things could be said, "Everyone just calm down. As I was saying we are going on vacations, Lorain made a good point, ya'll are seniors and I trust ya'll. All of the kids are going to New York." She looked up at me smiling. I loved New York and I planned to move there after college, even though it was completely different from Texas. "And all of the parents and Trista, Mason's little sister, are going to California. I know ya'll are probably wondering how we have all the money to be doing this, but thanks to the amazing Lord we all received yearly raises. I think it's a miracle that we could all get them at the same time. It will only be for four days. Were gonna drive straight to Florida so everyone will swap drivers 9 hours away from Miami."

                We gave the waitress our orders, then ate and were back on the road. It was going to be a long drive and I was still a little shocked at what Kelson had said. I felt like I was a zombie just sitting and trying to comprehend things but I couldn't. My life was jumbled with emotions and thoughts, but I knew it was God making me stronger.

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