The Covers Won't Protect You

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     I opened my eyes. I can't remember what my dream was, but I just opened my eyes. I can move, so I know I'm not having a sleep paralysis, as they call it. I looked around and I thought I should just roll back to sleep. It's really too early for me to be awake, but as I closed my eyes I felt a presence in the room. I felt as if I'm being watched.

I wanted to open my lights but unfortunately my lamp isn't working anymore and the main switch is across the room and I don't have any intentions of getting out of bed because... Well, because I know if I stand up I won't be going back to bed sooner and if I get out of bed, I'm afraid the boogeyman will grab my feet or something like that.

So, I took my cell phone instead and beamed the flashlight around the room and of course, there's nothing there. It's probably just my imagination I thought to myself. So I put down my phone and pulled the covers up. I can still feel something looming... Looking at me. I don't know where, I just know. I know it's there.

I did what every kid does when they're scared, I pulled the covers up to my head only to find a pair of eyes looking straight at me.

So, it wasn't across the room...It was just beside me all along.

Anthology of the DarkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon