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"Please, take care of her. She's all we have."
A man and woman stood over their daughter as they looked at her chubby face.
"I will hold her forever. She will not be overcome by this deep magic. Besides, she's our daughter. She's stronger then she looks." The wife smiled. The husband kissed his love and then his child and walked out the door into the storm.
The door slammed shut from the wind and the wife watched from the window as he disappeared into thin air.
The storm faded and the clouds parted revealing a sunny sky.
The wife let out her sorrows silently as to not wake the sleeping child in her arms.
She knew not if she'd see her husbands face again or if he'd give a life of fatherly love to their daughter, but she did know that what he was doing was what's best for them.
Witches were not kind creatures the beautiful woman would say.
To this day she will never understand how one group could be so reckless.
So reckless to the point of nearly killing her entire family.

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