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later on that night - *Stef*

"Stef, can we get ice cream?" Lena asks for the fifth time in these past few hours.

"Umm now we can." I say as we come up on the street of our favorite ice cream place.

She looked like a little kid on Christmas as soon as she saw it.

I opened the door for her and we were greeted by our favorite cashier.

"Welcome back, what can I get you two ladies this evening?" She asks with a warm smile.

"Hi, can I get one vanilla cone with a cherry on top and one chocolate cone with rainbow sprinkles?" I ask politely.

I paid for it and brought it over to Lena who was sitting at our normal spot by the window.

"Thanks love, I'm glad you remembered my order." She takes the cherry off and licks it looking me dead in the eyes. My insides where literally doing flips.

"Just eat the ice cream already." I yelled in sematics frustration.

She grins and bites her ice cream with her teeth, how can a person do that?

"Let's go to our beach." I say trying my best to avoid the tension in the atmosphere.

"That's like a 20 minute walk from this spot, are you crazy?"

"It's not that bad, you can ride on my back for half of the time." I suggest.

"Deal." She gets up from her resting spot on the stool.

The beach was kinda far but it was still bright outside so it didn't matter too much.

"Stef, thank you for everything you've done for me." Lena says giving me a genuine look of joy.

"You don't have to thank me yet, the moment hasn't come yet."

I've wanted this moment to be here since day one, but now I feel like we've been through so much it just has to be perfect.

We were almost at our beach and the sun was starting to set and the light hit Lena perfectly, as always. As she was walking I just had to take a picture to remember this moment right here.

*at the beach*

We got to the beach and Lena took the initiative to go to our spot under the pier. This was where you could fine the best view of the sun setting and all the stars coming in.

"Do you remember when we did that?" Lena pointed to the heart that was carved into the wood and then scratched out, the heart read "M and S".

"We were so naive back then." I sighed thinking back to my toxic relationship. "This is off topic but have you talked to Veronica lately?"

"Actually, we talked yesterday because she finally decided to come over tomorrow for dinner, you should come too." She insists.

"Are you sure?" I didn't want to overstep but I missed Lena's parents a lot.

"Of course I'm sure, come out and stay the night, I mean if you want to, if you don't then that's cool I guess or-"

I stopped her from rambling by kissing her, quick and sweet. I knew I was blushing but to my surprise Lena was too.

"Of course I'll stay the night."

She started smiling from ear to ear and it was the cutest sight that I have ever seen before.

"Thank you Stef." She looks me in my eyes and says.

"For what love?" I wasn't ready to look into her eyes yet so I kept my focus on the waves.

"Being there for me, I know I've said it a lot but I really mean it, I never want you not in my life and I never want to think of the day where you aren't here with me." She paused. "It would be nice if you would look at me."

I finally looked into her eyes, they looked as if they were glistening. "You're welcome love." This was it, all she had to do was ask the question. "I never want there to be a day where you aren't with me either Lena and I meant that."

"Stef, would you like to be my girlfriend?" She wraps our hands together and rests them on her knee.



"I would love to be your girlfriend Lena Adams." I've waited years to say those words. I leaned into her and kissed her lips, that were now my lips. We were both out of air and parted. For a while we just stood there and looked each other in the eyes, this felt right.

"Take me home." She whispers into my ear.

With that we are walking back to the car and on our way home.

a/n: ahhh the moment you all have been waiting for (i hope). but today was my last day and i cried sooo much but now i can write regularly. if you guys have suggestions on what i should write or how lena and stef's relationship should unravel, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment.


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