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Arizona asked if I wanted to spend the whole day on Sunday with her and I kindly accepted. Then Stef wanted to go to the mall yesterday and I went with her. In a way I felt like I was being torn between both girls that I loved very much.

I was looking out the window the entire ride not paying attention to the music playing.

"Are you ok?" She asked looking at me.

"Oh yea, I'm just tired."

"You can take a nap when we get there if you'd like."

"That sounds wonderful." I said taking her hand that wasn't driving in mine.

Almost 10 minutes later we arrived at her house. It was huge with what looked like 3 floors and a lovely garden in front.

"Before we go inside I should probably tell you this, I have a hyperactive Bolognese puppy that won't hesitate to jump on you and one of my moms, the one with black hair doesn't speak fluent English, she's Italian." She said looking at the house.

"Oh that's fine, I love Italian." I replied.

"Someone will translate for you." She said laughing and opening her door then coming to open mine.

I got more and more nervous the closer I got to the door. I had on blue skinny jeans and red shirt.

She flipped through her keys and I started to get really anxious.

"Wait." I said grabbing her arm away from the door.

"What? Did I do something?"

"What if your mom's don't like me." I said looking down.

"Trust me, they will love you." She reassured, opening the door.

Her house smelled of strawberries and her dog came up and jump on me. I patted it's head and she led me to the kitchen table.

"Your house is gorgeous." I said looking at everything and how nicely it was set up.

"Time for a house tour!" She exclaims grabbing my hand.

She led me through all of downstairs where I met her little brother Alex.

"Now let's go upstairs and find my moms."

She showed me the bathrooms which were painted a pretty maroon and white.

Then we went to her room which was a mustard yellow and black.

"Don't worry, they will like you." She said taking me towards her moms room.

They were cuddled up on each other sleeping.

"The one of the left, with the blonde hair is Cailee, she's from Detroit." She explained pointing to her. "And this one is April, she's from Florence, Italy." She said pointed to the dark haired woman.

April stirred up and the sound of Arizona's voice.

"Altri dieci minuti." She said in a sleepy voice.

"Ok Mama, but la mia ragazza è qui."

"Translation please." I whispered.

"She said 10 more minutes and I said my girlfriend is here."

I smiled and laid out on her bed.

"Make yourself at home, my moms will be up soon."

Just as she said that I saw April walking in the hallway.

"Mom, Lena is here." She called out. Her head remained on my shoulder.

"Your girlfriend?" She asked.

"Yes mom, wake up Mama I want you guys to see her together." She responded.

Both moms woke up and I could hear April saying something in Italian, obviously I didn't understand it but I knew the basic things from Veronica.

Arizona's house had a family room area upstairs with a couch and television. She led me to the area and we laid on the couch for a few minutes before her moms came out.

"You must be Lena, Zona says a lot about you." April says kissing me on each cheek. Her accent was strong and she sounded nothing like Arizona, more like her little brother.

"She meant it in a good way, she doesn't speak fluent English." Arizona whispered and I smiled.

"I'm Arizona's other mom, you can call me Cailee, it's very nice to finally meet you." She says hugging me.

"I'm gonna start making the food around 5, you can join if you would like." April called out.

Her moms went downstairs and it was just us again. Did I mention her house was freezing cold? I was practically shivering.

"Are you cold?" She asks.

"Yes! Your house is freezing."

"Look in my closet and get on of my sweatshirts love." She allows.

I got up, went to her closet and saw about 12 sweatshirts. I picked out a baby pink one with roses on it.

"Still tired?" She asks again.

"Yes." I said snuggling deeper in to her ready to fall asleep.

"You're so cute when you're half asleep like this." She said running her fingers through my hair.

That was the last thing I remembered hearing.


I knew we would have to start helping make the food soon but Lena was still asleep on my chest. It was like I was her pillow but I wasn't complaining at all.

"Isn't that your sweatshirt?" Cailee asks coming behind me making me jump a little.

"Yea, she got cold." I replied.

"Well Mama is gonna start dinner in about 5 minutes you might wanna wake her up if she wants to help."


I looked at how peaceful she was sleeping and I didn't want to disturb her. She was a heavy sleeper I could tell because my dog jumped on her and barked at least three times while she was asleep. I quickly removed my body and put I pillow in place of it. She didn't move so I kissed her forehead and went downstairs.

"Dov'è la tua ragazza?" Where is your girlfriend?

"Addormentato." Asleep.

The water was boiled when I went upstairs to take a shower seeing Lena still asleep on the couch.


I started to wake up and I immediately knew I wasn't sleeping on my girlfriend anymore. I heard the sound of water running and I figured it was her brother or one of her moms.

Going to the top of the stairs I see both of Arizona's moms dancing together. Cailee had her arms around April's waist and they we're singing come song I didn't know which was surprising. I went down the steps hearing the music get louder and louder.

They were still singing and turned around when I got to the table and sat down. Their relationship seemed to be extremely healthy by how comfortable they were with each other. I hoped Arizona and I would reach that level of happiness one day.

The music stopped and they laughed like teenage girls.

"Need any help?" I asked.

The both jumped a little and turned around.

"How long have you been standing there?" Cailee asked.

"Long enough to see how amazing and healthy your relationship is." I replied.

"Um... il pane, the bread help me with the bread." April added.

I got up and April showed to where all the spices were.

"Cut it not too thin." She said handing me a knife.

I cut them about an inch and a half apart from each other and added the special butter.

"Hey, I was looking for you." Arizona said coming downstairs.

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