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I get that Stef and Lena are close but I thought that Stef was my friend and that she would never say anything like that. Of course it's not the first time someone has called me rich and privileged but this came from a friend, my girlfriend's bestfriend.

I waited in the car for a few minutes before Lena came.

"Are you ok?" She asks.

"Do you think I'm just some rich and privileged girl with two moms and a ranch house who can just fly to Italy whenever she feels like it?" I asked not answering her question.

"So you heard."

"Yes I heard and I left after I heard that because I was gonna wait for you but then I hear that and I feel like absolutely nobody is on my side."

"I'm on your side Arizona."

"It just doesn't seem like you are all the time, especially around Stef."

"Ok, this is what this trip is all about, we are going to make up and be happy again because you deserve to be happy." She held my free hand.

40 minutes later

We picked up Alex and got the the house in about 40 minutes. I watched Lena's eyes light up when she saw the house.

I opened her door and got out her bag. I wanted to make this right between the two of us and move on from whatever happened.

"This is beautiful." She says walking towards the door.

"Yea, wait til you see the inside or the backyard." Alex chimes in.

We all got inside and I gave Lena a tour of the house. I showed her all the rooms and where she would sleep and where I would sleep. Of course I didn't like the fact we were sleeping in different rooms but if it helps us then so be it. I showed her to the kitchen that was fully stocked with food and I showed her the cinema room.

I ran to the supermarket down the street, leaving Lena with my talkative little brother.

I picked up a few things we didn't have like a half cartoon of eggs and fresh milk. I remember a couple months ago Lena telling me how she likes avocado toast so I picked one out for her. I got her favorite slice of cake from the bakery and went to pay.

I got back to see Lena and Alex on the couch. Alex was asleep with his head on Lena's shoulder.

"He seemed comfortable so I didn't want to wake him." She says.

"He's a heavy sleeper, you can move." I explained.

She moves her head and she falls on the couch still asleep.

"Let's go to the lake." I insist, I kept my bathing suit under my clothes all day so I could do this.

"My bathing suit is under this so let's go." She says.

I showed her to the backyard with the patio and the lake a few more yards down.

"Last one in has to make dinner!" I exclaim already taking off my shirt.

"This is what you want to do? Ok." Lena was already far ahead of me.

Lena jumped in the water and started giggling. The sun was out so the water wasn't as hot at it usually it.

"Arizona can I ask you a serious question?"

"Uh of course."

"When we get married and have our three kids, can we live here?" She was smiling the whole time but she looked so serious when she asked that.

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