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Frozen. It was like everything around me froze. Time stopped completely and my eyes were glued to hers. She loved me.
ME. There was no "as a friend" after it. That meant she actually loved me for me. She has a whole girlfriend though.

"Stef, I need you to say something."

"Why? Why me?"

"Because I've known you since we were kids and we've grown up together, and we've gone through hell and back."

"And you wait til the end of the school year to tell me this?" I say defensively.

"I don't know, I've been hiding it for a long time and I figured if I told you now then we wouldn't have anymore complications."

"You don't see the huge complication right in front of us??"

"I will talk to Arizona." Her tone had suddenly changed.

"Lena, every time you say that you end up going back to her and forgetting about me, I need to know that I'm not just a rebound or a second option, I wanna be your first and if I'm your first option then you will me by number one over everything."

"It's just not as easy as it seems Stef, I can't just get up and leave Arizona, she's done everything and more for me and leaving her would be like betrayal."

"Then don't leave her." I say getting up. How was she just going to spill out how she loved me and then say that she wasn't going to leave her girlfriend?

I was at the door before she decided to stop me.

"Let me leave, let me go talk to Arizona and then I will text you and if I don't leave her then you never have to talk to me again." She says walking out.


I knew that I had to talk to Arizona in me because I still loved her. In most stories of loving two people, people would say "go for the second person because if you really loved the first person you wouldn't fall for someone else" but in my case I have always loved Stef.

On my way to Arizona's room her door was wide open and she was on the phone with what sounded like one of her moms, they seemed to be arguing in Italian. It didn't help that they were on speaker.

(bold=Arizona italics= April)

"Non capisco Mama!" I don't understand Mama

"Tornerai l'anno prossimo, l'anno sta per finire comunque." You will be back next year, the year is about to end anyways

"Ma ho finalmente trovato qualcuno che amo, ho Lena e io la amo!" But I finally found someone that I love, I have Lena and I love her

"Puoi visitarla e chiamarla ogni giorno, ma questa è una figlia seria." You can visit her and call her everyday but this is serious daughter.

"No, è una cosa seria per te e mamma!" No, it's only serious for you and Mama

"Che cosa non si ottiene circa ci stiamo muovendo." What do you not get about we're moving

"Tutto, io e Alex possiamo stare qui!" Everything, Alex and I can stay here

"Perché devi essere così difficile?" Why must you be so difficult?

"Perché mi trascini sempre via ogni anno e mi faccia ricominciare la mia vita?" Why do you always drag me away every year and make me restart my whole life?

"Parleremo più tardi stasera." We will talk later tonight.

That was when I heard the phone call end. When my sister would always talk to her girlfriend Michelle on the phone, she would say a few phrases in Italian and I picked up a few like "I love you" and "I love her" and "I can visit you", what was that conversation about? I had to go in there and talk to her no matter what, I was done with hurting people.

"Arizona, we need to talk." I say not caring to knock.

"Yea, we do." She wipes her tears and looks up at me. Whatever her Mom said she seemed to not like it at all.

"We need to break up." We both said in unison before looking at one another.

"What? Why?" I ask defensively.

"My moms are basically deporting me and Alex back to Italy because they need to get some financial things back in order or they will lose their house here and there, you know we move a lot back and fourth and normally we never stay in one place for a full school year so I was surprised when this happened and that's why I never get attached to people but here we are." She rambled.

"So why do we have to break up?"

"Because Lena, you're Lena and there are so many other people
that would want my spot as your girlfriend and I don't trust other people." I could tell she was mainly talking about Stef.

"If you trust me then that shouldn't be a problem."

"Lena you said that we need to break up too so why don't you explain?"

How was I supposed to tell my girlfriend that I was in love with Stef? I have no idea.

"You're in love with Stef aren't you?"


"Go be with her." She says softly. "I'm serious, go be with Stef."

"Arizona I love you."

"I love you too Lena but you need to be with someone who makes you 110% happy so please, if you love me let me go."

it's been like a month since i've updated but i've been working on a greys anatomy fanfic. ive been studying extra hard for my spanish exam and when it's all over i will be back to writing. i love you all.

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