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I'd woken up earlier than everyone. I slipped out of my grip on Lena and walked downstairs to see about 10 people still asleep. All people I knew. We all had a pretty tight friend group and everyone knew and trusted everyone.

"Jo, are you up?" I asked.

"Yea what is it?" She turned around to me.

"I did it, I finally faced my fears and did it."

"Woah woah woah, you kissed Lena?"

"It was more than kissing, why do you look worried?"

"Well for starters Lena is with Arizona and Arizona is in Italy." Lexie chimes in.

"No she's not, she told me she left her." Did Lena actually break up with her?

"Leave her as in leave her at the airport to get on a plane." Lexie added.

"I need to talk to her." I tried to get up but Jo grabbed my hand.

"Listen, we all probably have splitting headaches so we need to wait until like tomorrow to sort this all out." Jo said. More people started to wake up and it wasn't the most comfortable situation to be in.

I needed to talk to Mark. It was his own house and I couldn't find him anywhere. When I got up Mark was laying on the floor with his arm around Lexie's waist.

"Lexie wake up Mark for me."

She shook him until he stirred up.

"What is it blonde?"

"I just did something bad, you are close with Arizona right?"

"Italian girl with the nice legs?"

"Yes her, now is she or is she not with Lena."

"Of course she is, she loves Lena, what did you do?"

"We kissed and it went a little further than that but I'd just broken up with Mike and I thought that she actually left Arizona."

"You probably had way to much to drink, well Arizona is coming this evening and we go back to class on Wednesday (today being Sunday) so you better get ready to work all of this out."

"What do I tell Lena when she wakes up Mark? That she's cheated on her girlfriend?"

"Well she might not remember anything-" Just was Mark was about to finish his sentence Lena came running down the hall talking on the phone, she seemed very happy.

Our eyes met and she froze. She remembered everything that happened last night.

"Who's got Lena all excited?" Jo asks.

"It's Arizona, she caught a late flight last night so she just landed and she actually wants to see me."

Did they or did they not break up? Lena seemed too happy talking about her. Also we all drove here in the same car so if Lena goes then we all go.

"Is everyone ready to go?"

"We might as well be." Maggie said standing up and putting on her shoes.

Lena had already walked out the door and into the car so I decided I might as well try to clear out the air.

When I got into the drivers seat next to Lena she was on her phone smiling.

"Lena, can I ask you something?"

"Yea what is it."

"Do you remember anything from last night?"

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