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"Lexie, I actually have no idea where Lena is." I repeated.

Lexie was a good friend of Lena and I, I talked to Lexie about Lena and Lena talked to Lexie about me but Lexie never tells what we say to each other.

"I'm sure she's fine, probably staying after class for something."

"I've called her at least 20 times and she hasn't answered."

"Stef, if you don't stop worrying I'm actually gonna slap you." She looked suddenly serious. "Stef can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what is it Lex?"

"Have you ever thought that you had a little crush on Lena?"

Was she really asking me if I liked Lena?

"I am 100% straight, I like boys." I say. I cringed a little after I said that.

"You always talk about her and how good she looked and whenever I'm at your dorm I see the way you two look at each other."

"I don't have any romantic interest in Lena whatsoever." Was I lying? There was not way I actually like her. I have a boyfriend for crying out loud!

"Lena always liked you a little so maybe you felt the same way."

"Lexie, I do not like Lena, she is my friend and it will always stay that way."

"Of course." Lexie said in a mocking tone.

After that conversation I went over to the library to finish up some assignments with Arizona, the main reason I went was so that I could ask if she knew where Lena was but Arizona was nowhere to be found. I figured she'd forgotten so I went back to the dorm. Where in the hell was Lena.

I look out my keys and unlocked the door.

"Lena Adams where are you!" I call out.

"Stef?" Lena asks.

"Where the hell were you I was worried sick." I said pulling her into a hug.

"I was at Arizona's house for dinner, didn't I tell you?" Lena asked.

"By the number of times I called and texted you? Of course you didn't tell me." I said defensively.

"I guess not." Lena replied.

"Did you have fun?"

"The most fun I've had in along time."

"Well that's good." I replied not really wanting her to go on and on about Little Miss Perfect Arizona.

"I had a blast, we helped make dinner and then we have brownies and then we talked and then we kissed and then she got all awkward." Lena says her happiness fading from each statement.

"Awkward like how?" I ask moving to the bed where Lena was.

"She freaked out, she grabbed her stuff and just ran out the car, I'm pretty sure she didn't lock in on the way out."

"Maybe you should call her." I suggest.

"Oh please I've sent her like 14 texts already." She looked like she was gonna cry.

"Please don't cry, I can't stand to see you cry."

"What if she doesn't even like me." She says falling into the bed crying.

"Come here my love." I say scooping her into my arms.

"I'm so stupid, it's my fault, I kissed her and she probably wasn't even ready." I ran my hand up and down her legs as she went on.

"She probably wants to break up with me, I'm such an idiot!" That was when I tried to say something.

"Lena, you are not an idiot, don't ever say that again."

"But I am! I should have just taken it slow like a normal person would!" She said getting up and pacing around.

"Lena you need to sit down and take a deep breath."

"Stef don't tell me what to do in a time like this." Lena was now putting on her boots and jacket.

"Woah woah woah where are you going?" I asked getting up.

"To find Arizona."

With that Lena was out the door.


Talking to Stef made me realize talking to Stef wasn't gonna do anything. I need to go find her myself and talk to her about how I feel.

I ran to her car, didn't see her. I want to the court yard where she usually hangs out at, didn't see her. She's probably avoiding me for a reason to I went to her dorm. She gave a key a few weeks back when we had to work on a project together.

I unlocked the door and there she was in a ball with at least 12 blankets over her.

"Arizona you need to get up."

No response.

"Arizona you need to get up because we need to talk about the kiss."

"The kiss was perfect." Her voice was scratchy.

"Then why did you run away or not text me back, did you not want to kiss me? Are you not happy with our relationship?"

"Lena, I've wanted to kiss you ever since I met you, and of course I'm happy with our relationship, sure we've only been together for a month but it feels like more and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." She turned around and faces me, you could tell she's been crying.

"I'm sorry, like really sorry and you're adorable all mad like that and I makes me want to do more than just kiss you."

"You're funny."

"Come here, sit with me, or sit on me that works too."

I walked over to her taking off my shoes and jacket and sat next to her. Her breath reeked of beer.

"Arizona! Have you been drinking?" I raised my voice.

"Maybe." She was obviously drunk and there was no way I was leaving her here alone.

"I can't believe you Arizona that stuff is bad for you, you're 18 for crying out loud!"

"I'll be 19 in three days." Her words were slurred. She never told me about a birthday.

"You don't know how much I want to yell at you, for this and because you never told me about a birthday."

"I'm sorry baby-" She didn't finish her sentence because she ran to the bathroom. Then I heard her vomiting.

I ran behind her to pull her hair back. I couldn't leave her alone so I went and texted Stef.

To: Stef 🖤
Arizona is throwing up, I'm staying the night here...possibly so if you hear the door open at 3 am it's me.

The text delivered and I focused back on Arizona who seemed like she had finally calmed down.

"Come on, you need to change and then you can sleep."

"How about you change and then we sleep."

It was a struggle getting her clothes off but finding them was quite easy. Her dorm was set up nice and organized.

"You need to sleep

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