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Terry turned around to look at Skylar whose face was contorted into anguish and misery

"Funny how she managed to tell you about me and forgot to tell you about her and your so called boyfriend"

I walked past them and stomped off outside school, my face was burning , the whole world probably put the pieces together and a lot of theories would be made about Terry's statement, a lot of theories about my family, it hurt, it hurt to be exposed like that, i was so glad i hadn't told Skylar about the other things i did when my parents were in the verge of breaking up three months ago... i would have died today

I had betrayed Cassandra's trust and in return she betrayed mine,
It has been a week now since the incident and Terry hardly picked up any of my calls
Terry doesn't want to see me, and all Mr Jones told me is that she needed time
She would have told me she needed time, she clearly doesn't even want to hear from me.... Fair

Things have gone from A to Z,  i thought i was the only one prone to Drama, now the famous  best friends are no longer a thing
That's funny
I find it pretty funny

I thought i was actually making friends...but I wasn't...I decide to trust Skylar and it all goes up in my face...we hadn't spoken to each other...which I didn't mind...I was used to being a lone wolf...and as much as it pissed me off to admit It, a part of me missed Skylar, so much

This anger that I'm feeling won't leave until I actually pay Skylar back, how could she, I thought we were friends, best friends,  we promised there would be nothing between us, she's left a ton of voicemails explaining shit but I haven't had time to listen to all of them, it felt like everything she was trying to say to me was a complete lie
Plus that article really did get me in trouble,  now the dean's office is looking into my academic performance trying to find proof that I actually cheated

Well...I did

I did sneak into the academic office and stole the examination paper so I'd get a head start...and the only person who knew what I did was Skylar...the only way  Alvarez would have known that is through Skylar
Those two bastards will pay

But what's  more creepy is the person who published the article...it had no writer...the writer was unknown...

I sat in my chemistry class bored to bits when Brad walked in...his hair was touseld ...as if he woke up and decided to show up in school
I tried my best not to look at him...I have been avoiding him since the incident with Terry..it didn't seem wise to still maintain contact after what happened
Sadly...he was my lab partner

He sat beside me and didn't say a word...a part of me wanted him to say something...a part of me wanted him  to look at me...I wanted him to tell me what was going on in his head, but my pride was having none of it

Thankfully,  I pulled through chem class safely without exchanging words with Brad...I was in the halls heading towards my locker when I realised Brad was also walking towards me
I wasn't ready for any sort of confrontation so I did the only thing I had in mind...swerved right and dove into the girls' room

I stood at the sink and washed my hands which were sweaty and shaky...I didn't know why...but I've been more anxious around Brad after the truth was out
I closed my eyes and managed deep breathes

I heard someone open the tap on the next sink...I opened my eyes and held my breathe abruptly
Alvarez was busy washing her hands...her hair falling over her face so I couldn't tell her expression

I failed her...a part of knew it was all my fault...she wouldn't have said nothing about Brad and I if she hadn't felt betrayed by what I had told Terry

"Hey " I said just above a whisper

For a few seconds there was just silence...then she closed the tap and grabbed a couple of tissue papers and dried her hands


If I wasn't standing so close...I'd have missed her response

I wanted to let it end at that and grab my bag and head out...but I couldn't...I had already lost Terry...and I owed Cassandra an apology

"I wanted to say I'm sorry...for...you know...talking to Terry about your stuff...it wasn't cool...I get it " I said

I was never really good with words so I hoped it was enough

"Sorry I ruined your friendship with her"  she said...throwing the tissues in the bin then picking up her Louis V bag from the floor

"She was going to find out sooner or later any way ...I was just hoping it wouldn't be like that"  I shrugged

Cassandra looked at me and nodded

"Your welcome " she said

I raised an eyebrow

"Now she knows "
"I wasn't going to thank you for that...it was scandalous...people are still talking about it and it has been a week" I retorted

"Sky...it is scandalous "

I fought the urge to give her the evil eye

"But it wasn't any of your fault...you met Brad before her and did the deed before her...she should understand that "
"I am pretty sure she's not going to like to hear that from you"

Cassandra shrugged

"She seems like she doesn't want to hear from either of us actually"

I nodded in agreement...she was right

"So how have you been ?" I asked genuinely
"Okay I suppose, you?"
"Okay...been doing a lot of dodging lately ..dodging Terry... Brad"
"Why would you dodge Brad...isn't this the universe trying to tell you the flood gates are open"

I laughed

"You are not a nice person"
"I've heard " she chuckled
"Wanna catch up at lunch sometime?" I asked

Though it was a little bit awkward

"Yeah sure thing...why not"

Cassandra seemed positive and enthusiastic about it...so I knew we were good

I let her get back to her schedule and I got back to washing my not-so-dirty  hands

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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