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Skylar zipped up her ankle length boots and stood up from her bed, she took a look at herself on her body length mirror and sighed... She had to show up even though she didn't want to.... She grabbed her black jacket and slipped it on...she made a quick mental note that she was just going and coming back quick...that was it...she grabbed her purse and walked out of her room..she bumped into Tyler who was also coming out of His room

"Why are you dressed in full black??"

She started walking down the stairs as Tyler kept a close pace behind her

"Is it a funeral or a black party??"
"It's a funeral I missed two months ago" Skylar mumbled
"Geeeee.....did the body get dug up or what??"
"It's like a memorial thing Tyler... And it's some kind of opportunity for us who missed the funeral to say our proper goodbyes now shut up and leave me alone please"
"Are there gonna be girls"

Skylar rolled her eyes wishing she could just slap Tyler out of existence

"Tyler what did we talk about the other day??"Amanda stepped in
"I was just asking mom.....like the concerned brother I am"

Both Skylar and Amanda rolled their eyes

"How long will it take??" Amanda asked
"I don't know....it's already started by the way....we're half an hour late....I won't stay for long"
"I'm glad you kids decided to do that..."

Skylar forced a smile but she wasn't feeling the spark at all....the very reason they hadn't gone to the funeral was because they couldn't handle seeing Desiree's face one more time...the night she died was still fresh and raw in their heads...the night she died and was killed .
She heard a car pull over outside her house and she knew that was Terry
She quickly kissed her mom on the cheek and rushed out of the house
Running down the steps like she was being chased

"Thanks for the ride"
"I'll be of service till when your car comes back to life" Terry winked at her
"Guess that will be tomorrow..."
"Why are you dressed like that....where's all the color??"

Skylar looked at Terry's white dress and her black boots and shrugged

"It's a funeral"
"A memorial" Terry corrected her
"This" Skylar pointed at her outfit " is definitely how I feel"
"Gloomy" Terry nodded and got in her car
Skylar followed and they drove away from Skylar's house to the so called memorial
"Casmy...I think .....you should go.....you never really had the chance to say goodbye....I know it's hard to witness such a scene....but...it would make you feel better to let the past rest with her" Valeria advised a hot headed Casmy who buried her head under a pillow

"I don't like funerals nor dead people" she mumbled

Valerie sat on the edge of her bed and placed her hand on Casmy's leg

"That girl is dead already and it's not a funeral...it's a memorial....you said so yourself.. Now why bother talking to me about it if you don't care and you don't wish to go"

Casmy threw the pillow aside and sat up


Valerie stared at her waiting for her to finish but it was clear she had no any good reason

"See.....you didn't get to say a pleasant goodbye when you last saw her....this is your chance or it shall forever be in your conscience"
"You know what....I'll just go for the sake of going....."

Casmy rolled out of bed and changed into a tank top and her roll up jeans and a pair of pink ankle straps ....she grabbed a coat and her car keys and walked out of her room leaving Valerie starring at her blonde head
Casmy got into her car and rolled up her driver's seat window
She looked at her reflection on the rear view mirror and the girl that stared back at her was not the girl she knew....she fumbled through her purse and grabbed a pink shiny lip gloss and a concealer.... She had to look mesmerizing like she always did or she wouldn't be Casmy Gregory...the very hotness of the cheer leading squad in Greenville High
She knew she had to go so she'd set things straight with the deceased once and for all
If that was even possible
"I'm glad you made it....although you're a little late ......people had just started to say their goodbyes and stuffs but....there's still a lot to do for Desiree" Holly the ginger haired girl babbled as soon as she opened the door for two grave looking pretty ladies ,Skylar and Terry

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