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the only thing I heard was everyone shouting HAPPY BIRTHDAY
It felt ridiculous me joining all those happy faces and mingle, while I was anything but happy
I was eager to see Brad.. Yes! But he'll... I didn't know what to say, I brought a gift and I'm not the kind that gives gifts

I felt stupid that I brought one... But it had been in my drawer for a very long time and I couldn't keep it anymore

It was a pendant he had given me when he was drunk on that one night stand, when I was so heart broken I would have welcomed any guy with open legs
But it had to be him


with another sip of my wine I resolved back into my misery

CASSANDRA I love arriving at parties late, Means the beginners boring phase is over, I cared enough to bring a card

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I love arriving at parties late, Means the beginners boring phase is over, I cared enough to bring a card

Isn't it just amazing to be here... Well... Terry tried.. If I was the boyfriend I would pat her on the head and cop a feel and walk

Isn't how boys show appreciation nowadays

I walked across a make out session just below the stairs, I stood where the punch was served, I could just stand here with the rest of the cups and gossip about this and that

Some inner voice inside my head said "you need friends"
I shushed it by biting my lower lip so hard and cursing inside my head and reminding myself that I don't need any

I turned around right in time to see the birthday boy, Alone, standing a minute away from me, he looked at me with recognition and I smirked

"You must be Cassie" he said gently flashing me his devilishly handsome grin while walking towards me in long strides

I see what the best friends fell for

"Cassandra" I corrected

I hated using the same nickname as Casmy, you cant compare slut to woman, he nodded in apprehension

"I'm glad you could make it, not that I knew anything about it anyway"

He wants conversation, I'll give him conversation

"well... It was nice of Skylar to invite me" I said casually, but when I said "Skylar " I made sure I put slot of stress in it, well he caught up, his eyes glowed, he smiled, he had nothing to say... BINGO

I smiled and handed him the card and a wrapped up box which I had cared enough to pick up a little something on the way

"I though I should bring something for the birthday party, not everyday I get invited to parties, especially... The birthday of an important figure in school"

He gladly took it and didn't take my insincere sincerity for granted

"That's so thoughtful of you ,CASSANDRA, thank you I hope you have fun"

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