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Cassie stepped out of her Porsche and grabbed her bag from the back seat...putting on her shades she locked her car and glided out of the parking lot straight to the administration building.....
She liked it silent...and that's how it had been...no hi's or hey's or hellow's....it was just the quiet silent stares of people that she hardly noticed but barely missed....
She opened her locker and grabbed her books ,a note fell and she picked it up....she traced her ginger along the worn piece of paper before reading the words..."meet me at 3-
Love, A"
She stared at it too long to notice someone else beside her...she had no idea why she kept it but it was supposed to be long dead together with her Ex

"It never crossed my mind that you kept it"

She turned around and her eyes for a second went wide before returning her grim expression with a quick blink....

"Allen" she said flatly as if she expected him to be there

But she had considered him dead and gone when he left without so much as a goodbye....it was not even a clean break up for as much as she could remember...but the fact that he was not there when she needed him most killed every living cell in her body leaving her a walking corpse

"How are you??"
"Better than you"

She slammed her locker shut and started walking...she had already decided in those few seconds she was not going to act up or anything.... She'll just pretend it never really bothered her...Allen fell in strides behind her

"Are you mad at me??"
"Mad??" Cassie scoffed as she took a sharp corner "what's that??"
"Look,Cas ....I know I did something stupid back then but-"
"Stupid is an understatement" she mumbled loudly cutting him off
"Foolish... Jerky I don't know....but...I really need to talk to you"

Cassie looked at her wrist watch and started humming

"Got class"
"I'll pick you up after school"

Cassie turned around and held her hand in front of Allen so he'd halt at least one meter away from her

"Just because you're back in town....doesn't mean you're back on the field"

She turned around ready to dive into class when Allen grabbed her hand

"Cassie.... I want to make everything right....if you'd just give Me a chance"

Cassie was again at a loss of words...as she looked into those brown eyes that once made her melt and maybe probably do

"The grill...at 6"

Waiting for no answer she disappeared into class....it was her call after all...she was not sure why she had even agreed to it but he stirred something long dead in her and she hoped he would make it right for once in his life....
Getting rid of Allen's sudden visit in her mind she forced herself to get back in class...Maths... The subject she liked and hated at the same time....complex if not understood and captivating when understood....Maths was her life theoretically.... Simply COMPLEX......sometimes it was better staying in school...home was not different from a maths textbook
Endless topics and subtopics with continuous problems to solve....as she stared out the window she didn't even hear the teacher calling her...once...twice...thrice...it's like she was not even there....her seat was totally empty...Mr Almore tapped on her desk with a chalk and she simply blinked as she turned to look up at him

"Where were you Ms.Alvarez "

She didn't utter a word...for once she thought the Maths teacher was pretty stupid asking her where she was if he was looking down at her....only her subconscious went missing and that's that

"Can you solve the equation on the board for us??"

She turned to the board and looked at the question...someone else was already on the board solving another question which she realized was Casmy....she stood up and Sashayed past Mr Almore as she grabbed a chalk from the chalk box and processed the question on the board again before starting to work a solution...
She hardly frowned or faltered as she drew figures and numbers on the board.... It's like she was just copying it down from somewhere ..

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