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This was as dumbfounded as Skylar could have been
Seeing Terry standing at the doorway hands crossed on her chest...with a very questioning glance on her face
Brad turned around and was at a loss of words...they had just talked and she said she had no plans of coming over anytime soon..... but she didn't say she wasn't gonna come at Skylar's

"Terry I-" Skylar began as she stood up

Terry's lips broke into a smile.... making Skylar halt

"Well...isn't this a surprise " she kissed Brad's cheek and sat on his lap

Skylar pursed her lips

"What are you doing here??" She asked Brad

"Came to check on a neighbour " Brad answered casually
"And eat pasta on your own...you guys are mean" Terry picked up Skylar's plate

"Delicious... who made this??"

Skylar looked at Brad.... by the blankness in his face it definitely meant he had never worked a kitchen for Terry

"Skylar did" Brad mumbled
"Sky??....was she cooking naked or something ...she can hardly boil an egg "

Skylar's eyes bulged out...Brad tried hard to straighten his lips since they were effortlessly curving into a huge smile

Skylar was still on edge wondering if her friend was there ....or was this another girl

"You said you we're not coming....what's up" Brad asked
"I asked where you we're so I'd sneek into the neighbourhood without being noticed by you and come steal Skylar for myself...cause we have a little conspiracy going on ....hope you won't mind....she was mine way before you arrived"

Terry pushed herself off his Lap and moved to the sink to wash her hands

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Terry pushed herself off his Lap and moved to the sink to wash her hands...Skylar shot Brad a look and forced a smile

"Steal.....me... for what??"
"I want to use you right this second....but it's a girl thing....you know....can't. Tell" Terry gave Brad a sideways glance
"Okay...okay...I'll leave " Brad stood up and gave Terry a kiss on both cheeks and on her forehead before leaving....

"Later??" Brad told Skylar
"Sure....worry out"

Brad left and Terry got down in business pretty quick pulling a chair so she'd map out everything for Skylar in an instant.

"So....I was planning something for Brad.... look....his birthday is next week and I don't know what to get him....I need to get him something and it's killing me......I need to make his birthday look like Saturn and it's rings....feel me.....by the way what were you two talking about huh!!"

Terry's bubbling made Skylar stand there hooked onto the kitchen counter just staring at the movement of her lips

"What? "
"You haven't heard a word I said right??"
"Well...don't repeat yourself hunnie we can go over it slowly....what was it you we're saying"
"I asked what the both of you we're talking about "

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