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After the air cleared in about two minutes Holly snapped out of her trance and began

"Uum okay..so let's get to the other part....where we light our lanterns and say our final good byes"

She and few other girls passed over the lanterns to everyone around as some had started moving outside... Cassandra just leaned on the wall not bothering to look at anyone ,she received her lantern and walked out

"How the hell did she even pop up.. She was like off the radar" Skylar began as soon as Cassandra left
"I really don't know....how did she even know about this... And when did she come back??"
"I don't know either....do you think she'll be back at school??"
"I swear I don't know"

The Two followed the rest outside who had already started lighting their lanterns... Skylar lighted hers and passed the lighter to Terry....the pattern went on and on till everyone had her lantern lit

"And with that...we hope Desiree is somewhere better than this world....may her soul rest in peace " Holly said and released her lantern

The others followed letting the lanterns float in the sky as they said their final goodbyes.... And just like that the lanterns lit the sky like small floating stars
Skylar turned around and saw Cassandra looking at the sky with her arms crossed
It was weird enough that four of them were never really friends and never really bothered to talk....they were all from distant spheres only Terry and Skylar revolved around each other....but Cassandra, Casmy and them never really met until that night and it was still that night that connected them somehow
Cassandra lowered her head and saw Skylar and Terry...she gave a small smile which never left her face if you may ask...she always had the smile of MonaLisa on her face ....
It was mysterious and made you want to dig your hands into her head so you'd know what she was thinking at the moment....she was hard to read no matter how hard you concentrate

"It's good to have you back Cassie" Terry blurted after the small little tension that came with their gazes on each other
"It's like I never left"

And with that she walked past the two and into her car she went

"Well.....she still has her attitude" Skylar mumbled
"Well.....that went well"

The two looked at each other.... It's like all they ever did is share grave looks whenever Desiree crossed their minds

"Are you girls going or staying" Brad asked

Skylar looked at the cue which was moving back inside and some which were already rolling off the area and she wanted to be a part of that cue...she had no reason to stay any more... Even after all that she didn't feel in peace and it all just made her feel worse than she did before

"Yeah we're definitely leaving" Terry said
"Great...just drive me home" Skylar mumbled
"Slip it easy....I'll drive you home...besides we're meters apart"

Skylar glared at Brad while Terry squealed

"Totally....you should go with Brad....and save me the Trip"

Skylar snorted and didn't bother arguing...either way even if she tried she was still going to drive with Brad...she headed to His car and waited as Terry and Brad did their most dazzling display of affection as a farewell
Brad escorted her to her car and made sure she was on the road before she got back to Skylar and unlocked his car....Skylar got in without saying a word and she hoped Brad wouldn't even bother talking to her

"You all looked gloomy back there" Brad started as he steered His car into the road
"It wasn't a party...."
"You guys didn't say anything .......weren't you guys around when she.....died"

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